God's New Bible

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 18 -

God’s works are wonderful: we must serve him, and not our lusts.

The One who dwells in eternity created all things together. God alone will be justified, and he remains an invincible King for eternity.
Who is able to declare his works?
For who can examine his greatness?
And who will announce the power of his magnitude? Or who would be able to describe his mercy?
There is no diminishing, and no increasing, and there is no discovering, the greatness of God.
When man has reached the end, then he will begin. And when he ceases, he will be in need.(a)
What is man, and what is his grace? And what is his good, or what is his evil?
The number of the days of men are as many as one hundred years. Like a drop of water in the ocean, so they are considered to be. And like a grain of sand on the shore, so do these few years compare to the days of all time.
For this reason, God is patient with them, and he pours forth his mercy upon them.
He has seen that the presumption of their heart is evil, and he knows that their rebelliousness is wicked.(b)
Therefore, he has bestowed his forgiveness on them, and he has revealed to them the way of equity.
The compassion of man is toward those closest to him. But the mercy of God is upon all flesh.
He is merciful, and he teaches and corrects, like a shepherd with his flock.
He takes pity on those who accept the doctrine of compassion, and he applies his judgments promptly.
Son, in your good works, you should not complain, and in giving anything, you should not cause grief with evil words.
Is heat not refreshed by the dew? So also is a good word better than a gift.
Behold, is a word not greater than a gift? But both are with a justified man.
The foolish place blame sharply. And a gift from the undisciplined causes the eyes to fail.
Before you judge, put justice in order within yourself, and before you speak, learn.
Before you become sick, obtain medicine. And before you judge, examine yourself. And then you will find forgiveness in the sight of God.
Before you become weak, humble yourself; and in a time of infirmity, show your way of life.
Let nothing impede you from praying always. And then you will not dread to be justified, even unto death. For the reward of God dwells in eternity.
Before you pray, prepare your soul. And do not choose to be like a man who tempts God.
Remember the wrath that will be on the day of consummation, and remember the time of retribution, when he will turn away his face.
Remember poverty in a time of abundance, and remember the deficiency of poverty in a day of riches.
From morning until evening, the time will be changed, and all these are swift in the eyes of God.
A wise man will be cautious in all things, and during a time of many offenses, he will be attentive against inaction.
Anyone who is astute recognizes wisdom, and he will acknowledge anyone who finds it.
Those who show understanding with words also have acted wisely themselves, and they have understood truth and justice, and they have fulfilled proverbs and judgments.
You should not go after your desires; instead, turn away from your own will.
If you offer your desires to your soul, this will cause you to become a joy to your enemies.
Take no delight in disorderly gatherings, whether large or small. For their commission of offenses is unceasing.(c)
You should not be reduced by the contention of borrowing, even if there is nothing in your purse. For you would be contending against your own life.


(a)18:6 Then shall he begin:God is so great and incomprehensible, that when man has done all that he can to find out his greatness and boundless perfections, he is still to begin: for what he has found out, is but a mere nothing in comparison with his infinity.(Challoner)
(b)18:10 The word ‘subversionem’ often refers to an overthrow or rebellion, such as when a king is overthrown. But in the context of God and his people, it refers to rebelliousness against God.(Conte)
(c)18:32 The word ‘turbis’ indicates a disorderly large gathering, and the word ‘modicis’ refers to something small; in the context of the previous word ‘turbis’, the word ‘modicis’ refers to a small disorderly gathering.(Conte)

God’s works are wonderful: we must serve him, and not our lusts.

He who lives forever created the whole universe.
The Lord alone is just.
He has given power to declare his works to no one. Who could trace out his mighty deeds?
Who could measure the strength of his majesty? Who could also proclaim his mercies?
As for the wondrous works of the Lord, it is not possible to take from them nor add to them, neither is it possible to explore them.
When a man has finished, then he is just at the beginning. When he stops, then he will be perplexed.
What is mankind, and what purpose do they serve? What is their good, and what is their evil?
The number of man’s days at the most are a hundred years.
As a drop of water from the sea, and a pebble from the sand, so are a few years in the day of eternity.
For this cause the Lord was patient over them, and poured out his mercy upon them.
He saw and perceived their end, that it is evil. Therefore he multiplied his forgiveness.
The mercy of a man is on his neighbor; but the mercy of the Lord is on all flesh: reproving, chastening, teaching, and bringing back, as a shepherd does his flock.
He has mercy on those who accept chastening, and that diligently seek after his judgments.
My son, don’t add reproach to your good deeds, and no harsh words in any of your giving.
Doesn’t the dew relieve the scorching heat? So a word is better than a gift.
Behold, isn’t a word better than a gift? Both are with a gracious person.
A fool is ungracious and abusive. The gift of an grudging person consumes the eyes.
Learn before you speak. Take care of your health before you get sick.
Before judgment, examine yourself, and in the hour of scrutiny you will find forgiveness.
Humble yourself before you get sick. In the time of sins, repent.
Let nothing hinder you to pay your vow in due time. Don’t wait until death to be released.
Before you make a vow, prepare yourself. Don’t be like a man who tests the Lord.
Think about the wrath coming in the days of the end, and the time of vengeance, when he turns away his face.
In the days of fullness remember the time of hunger. Remember poverty and lack in the days of wealth.
From morning until evening, the time changes. All things are speedy before the Lord.
A wise man is cautious in everything. In days of sinning, he will beware of offense.(b)
Every man of understanding knows wisdom. He will give thanks to him who found her.
They who were of understanding in sayings also became wise themselves, and poured out apt proverbs.
Don’t go after your lusts. Restrain your appetites.
If you give fully to your soul the delight of her desire, she will make you(c) the laughing stock of your enemies.
Don’t make merry in much luxury, and don’t be tied to its expense.
Don’t be made a beggar by banqueting with borrowed money when you have nothing in your purse.(d)


(a)18:3 The remainder of verse 2, and verse 3, are omitted by the best authorities.
(b)18:27 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
(c)18:31 Or, a rejoicing to
(d)18:33 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.