God's New Bible

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 9 -

Cautions with regard to women, and dangerous conversations.

You should not be jealous of the wife of your bosom, lest she reveal, because of you, the malice of a wicked lesson.
You should not give authority over your soul to a woman, lest she obtain your strength, and then you would be confounded.(a)
You should not look with favor on a woman with many desires, lest perhaps you may fall into her traps.
You should not be continually in need of entertainment, nor should you be persuaded by it, lest perhaps you may perish by its effectiveness.(b)
You should not stare at a virgin, lest perhaps you may be scandalized by her beauty.
You should not give your soul, in any way, to fornicators, lest you destroy yourself and your inheritance.
Do not choose to look around in the streets of the city, nor should you wander along its thoroughfares.
Avert your face from an ornate woman, for you should not gaze upon strange beauty.(c)
Many have perished because of the beauty of a woman; and by this, desire is kindled like a fire.
Every woman who is a fornicator will be trampled down, like the filth in the street.
Many, by admiring the beauty of the wife of another, have become reprobate. For familiarity with her flares up like a fire.
You should not sit down at all with another man’s wife, nor recline with her on a couch.
And you should not argue with her over wine, lest perhaps your heart may turn toward her, and by your emotion, you would be toppled into perdition.(d)
You should not abandon an old friend. For a new one will not be similar to him.
A new friend is like new wine. It will grow old, and then you will enjoy drinking it.
You should not envy the glory and wealth of a sinner. For you do not know what may be his undoing in the future.
The injury of the unjust should not please you, knowing that, until they are in hell, the impious will not please.(e)
Keep yourself far from a man having the power to kill, and then you will not have the fear of death suspended over you.
But if you do approach him, do nothing to offend, lest perhaps he may take away your life.
Know that this is a communion with death. For you would be entering the midst of snares, and walking upon the arms of the grieving.
According to your ability, be cautious of your neighbor, and treat him as the wise and prudent would.
Let just men be your companions, and let your glory be in the fear of God.
And let the thought of God be in your mind, and let all your discourse be on the precepts of the Most High.
Works will be praised for the hands of the artists, and a leader of the people will be praised for the wisdom of his words, yet truly, the word of the elders will be praised for its understanding.
A man full of words is a dread to his city, but one who speaks rashly will be hated for his word.


(a)9:2 Or: ‘power over your soul.’(Conte)
(b)9:4 This is not an condemnation of dancing or singing, but of the excessive use of entertainment in any form, lest perhaps the entertainment may have an excessive influence over you. The need to be constantly entertained is one of the fundamental flaws of modern secular society. A less literal translation is used here, in order to clarify the truth of this passage and to avoid misunderstanding.(Conte)
(c)9:8 The ornate woman is not merely a woman with some make-up and jewelry. This is a woman who is excessively and ostentatiously adorned. She does not use a modest adornment to complement and bring out her natural beauty, but instead she offers a beauty which is of the adornment itself. It is not her own beauty, but the beauty of another.(Conte)
(d)9:13 If a man argues passionately with another man’s wife, while they are drinking wine, the passion of the argument might turn into the passion of the flesh, and then by his blood, i.e. his passion, he might commit adultery.(Conte)
(e)9:17 The denizens of Hell are unable to sin and are compelled to acknowledge the whole truth about their lives and about God. Thus, in Hell, the wicked finally please.(Conte)

Cautions with regard to women, and dangerous conversations.

Don’t be jealous over the wife of your bosom, and don’t teach her an evil lesson against yourself.
Don’t give your soul to a woman and let her trample down your strength.
Don’t go to meet a woman who plays the prostitute, lest perhaps you fall into her snares.
Don’t associate with a woman who is a singer, lest perhaps you be caught by her tricks.
Don’t gaze at a virgin, lest perhaps you stumble and incur penalties for her.
Don’t give your soul to prostitutes, that you not lose your inheritance.
Don’t look around in the streets of the city. Don’t wander in its deserted places.
Turn your eye away from a beautiful woman, and don’t gaze at another’s beauty. Many have been led astray by the beauty of a woman; and with this, passion is kindled like a fire.
Don’t dine at all with a woman who has a husband, or revel with her at wine,(a) lest perhaps your soul turn away to her, and with your spirit you slide into destruction.
Don’t forsake an old friend; for a new one is not comparable to him. A new friend is like new wine: if it becomes old, you will drink it with gladness.
Don’t envy the success of a sinner; for you don’t know what his end will be.
Don’t delight in the delights of the ungodly. Remember they will not go unpunished to(b) the grave.
Keep yourself far from the man who has(c) power to kill, and you will not be troubled by the fear of death. If you come to him, commit no fault, lest he take away your life. Know surely that you go about in the midst of snares, and walk upon the battlements of a city.
As well as you can, aim to know your neighbors, and take counsel with the wise.
Let your conversation be with men of understanding. Let all your discourse be in the law of the Most High.
Let righteous people be companions at your table. Let your glorying be in the fear of the Lord.
A work is commended because of the skill of the artisan; so he who rules the people will be considered wise for his speech.
A loudmouthed man is dangerous in his city. He who is reckless in his speech will be hated.


(a)9:9 The preceding line of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
(b)9:12 Gr. Hades.
(c)9:13 Or, authority