God's New Bible

The Proverbs

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 16 -

The Lord and the ways of men

People make plans out of their longings deep within them, but it is Yahweh who tells him what will happen.
A person sees nothing wrong with what he does, but Yahweh measures every part of what a person does according to his purposes.
When you work, give all your ideas and your labor to Yahweh, and your plans will be successful.
When Yahweh made everything, he made them so they would all accomplish something for him. He has even made the wicked for the day when there is great trouble.
Yahweh hates those whose pride comes from deep within them. But you can be sure of this: They will still be punished for their pride.
Love and faithfulness will cover over sin and forgive sin. When people give Yahweh the respect he deserves, they will be able to turn away from doing what is evil.
When a person pleases Yahweh by the way he lives his life, he even causes that person’s enemies to get along with him.
It is better to have a little money and to follow what is right, than to have a large amount of money and to live by spreading injustice.
From deep within a person come the plans he makes, but Yahweh leads the person in each step he takes.
A king can speak with inspired judgment; and when he makes a ruling, it is good and true.
Honest scales come from Yahweh; it is he who decided how much each unit should weigh.

Wisdom - the source of life

We should hate it when kings do wicked things, for the throne is set on a firm foundation when the king does what is right.
A king is happy when he hears someone speaking what is right; and he loves the one who is direct when he talks.
If a king becomes angry, his wrath is a danger that can kill; so wise people will try to calm him so that he is not too angry.
In a king’s smile there is life; when he is happy, he is like the cloud that brings the spring rain.
Becoming wise is better than having gold; getting good understanding is better than having silver.
The one who lives in the way that is right will turn away from doing evil; whoever is careful about how he lives his life will preserve his life.
Pride happens to someone first, and then he perishes. If someone thinks he is better than others, he will have a terrible fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor than to receive a portion of what proud people took by force.
Those who think about what they have been taught find many good things in the lesson; how fortunate are those who put their trust in Yahweh.
One who has wisdom deep inside him is given the title, “discerning,” and those who speak in a way that can be understood and can motivate their hearers, teach well.
When you understand, it is as if you have found a fountain of life within you; but fools find their punishment when their foolishness comes back to them.
From deep within him, the wise person speaks from the insight he has learned; and so when he speaks he has the power to pursuade others.
Kind words are like a honeycomb; they are sweet for us to take in, and they give healing to our bodies.

The wicked and deceitful man

A person lives out his life and he thinks he is doing what is right, but when he comes to the end of his life, all he finds is death.
A worker’s appetite drives him to work harder, his hunger urges him to keep working.
A worthless man digs and digs until he finds something he can use to embarrass someone and cause them trouble; and what he says about them is like a fire that burns the field.
A person who has no morals stirs up conflict between people; and those who spread rumors pull friends apart.
A violent person tells lies to his friend, and he leads him down a path that will never find what is good.
The one who winks the eye is signaling to others it is time to begin their terrible plot; those who press their lips together, they do evil things.
Gray hair is like a glorious crown; it is given to those who live their lives by doing what is right.
The one who is slow to get angry is stronger than a warrior; the one who is self-controlled is mightier than one who conquers a city by force.
The stones making up the “lot” are thrown into a person’s lap, but Yahweh decides on which side of the stones they will stop rolling.

The Lord and the ways of men

The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the motives.
Commit your deeds to the LORD, and your plans shall succeed.
The LORD has made everything for its own end— yes, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; they shall certainly not be unpunished.
By mercy and truth iniquity is atoned for. By the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues with injustice.
A man’s heart plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps.
Inspired judgments are on the lips of the king. He shall not betray his mouth.
Honest balances and scales are the LORD’s; all the weights in the bag are his work.

Wisdom - the source of life

It is an abomination for kings to do wrong, for the throne is established by righteousness.
Righteous lips are the delight of kings. They value one who speaks the truth.
The king’s wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man will pacify it.
In the light of the king’s face is life. His favor is like a cloud of the spring rain.
How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! Yes, to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.
The highway of the upright is to depart from evil. He who keeps his way preserves his soul.
Pride goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.
It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the plunder with the proud.
He who heeds the Word finds prosperity. Whoever trusts in the LORD is blessed.
The wise in heart shall be called prudent. Pleasantness of the lips promotes instruction.
Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it, but the punishment of fools is their folly.
The heart of the wise instructs his mouth, and adds learning to his lips.
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

The wicked and deceitful man

There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
The appetite of the laboring man labors for him, for his mouth urges him on.
A worthless man devises mischief. His speech is like a scorching fire.
A perverse man stirs up strife. A whisperer separates close friends.
A man of violence entices his neighbor, and leads him in a way that is not good.
One who winks his eyes to plot perversities, one who compresses his lips, is bent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of glory. It is attained by a life of righteousness.
One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city.
The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.