God's New Bible

The Proverbs

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 3 -

A blessing of wisdom

My son, do not forget the lessons I have taught you. Keep my commands inside of you, as important guidance for how you will live,
because they will help you live a long life, measured in either days or years, and they will bring you peace in addition to all the lessons they teach you.
Treat others with tenderness and always speak the truth to them. Let tenderness and truth guide you in every relationship, as if they both were on a necklace you wear, a necklace that guides you in everything you say.
Then you will experience God’s delight in you, and people will also approve of you.
Put all your trust in Yahweh, and do not take action because you made up your mind what you should do;
but in every choice and decision, look to Yahweh, and he will show you how you must live.
Do not think you are wise enough to direct your life, give Yahweh the reverence he deserves, and when evil invites you in, turn aside from it.
Giving Yahweh reverence will make your body healthy and it will give your bones the food it needs.
When you gain money, honor Yahweh by giving him the tithe; give him the first portion of what you received, to remember it all came from him.
If you honor Yahweh, your storerooms will be so full that they will overflow, and your barrels will be bursting with all the wine you have made.
My son, do not hate it when Yahweh corrects you, and when he rebukes you, do not resent it,
for Yahweh only corrects those he loves, just like parents correct their children whom they love.

Wisdom is more valuable than riches

Those who get wisdom are fortunate; with her they also get understanding.
Wisdom gives you a better profit than owning silver, and she will give you something that is much more valuable than gold.
Being wise is more precious than jewels and there is nothing you desire that is worth as much as wisdom.
Wisdom can make you able to live a long life, if you do what she teaches; she is also ready to make you wealthy and to persuade other people to honor you.
Wisdom is known by how kind she is, and she always directs you to the place where you will find peace.
Wisdom is like a tree whose fruit gives life to those who hold on to it, and Yahweh gives happiness to those who hold on to it.
By his wisdom Yahweh laid out the earth from the very beginning, and by his understanding he put everything in the heavens exactly where they should be.
The deepest part of the oceans broke open according to Yahweh’s design, and in the same way, he made the dew so it would fall from the clouds above.

The ways of the wise

My son, hold on to good sense in the decisions you make, and do not take your eye off of them.
They will bring life to you, and a sign of Yahweh’s blessings on your life that people can see by your good judgment.
Your good decisions will take you where you are going in safety, and they will keep you from taking a wrong step on the way.
When you lie down to sleep, you will not have any fear, and your sleep will be refreshing.
Do not let a disaster fill you with terror, and do not let the wicked fill you with fear when they come for you.
Yahweh takes your side to defend you, he will not allow any trap to catch and hold you.
Give good gifts to those who deserve it, when you can, help them.
Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back later; perhaps I will help you tomorrow,” when you have the money with you and can help them now.
Do not make plans to harm anyone you know, especially those who live close to you and trust you.
If a person has done nothing to you, do not argue with him or say he has done something to you, when he has not.
Do not envy a person who does violence to others, and do not imitate anything he does.
A lying person is hated by Yahweh for what he does, but Yahweh is a close friend to anyone who lives rightly.
Yahweh promises punishment to the families of those who do evil things, but he makes happy the families of the good.
Yahweh makes fools of those who treat others with disrespect, but he gives his kindness to people who are humble.
Those who are wise will be honored, but foolish people will become well known for their dishonor.

A blessing of wisdom

My son, don’t forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments,
for they will add to you length of days, years of life, and peace.
Don’t let kindness and truth forsake you. Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favor, and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
It will be health to your body, and nourishment to your bones.
Honor the LORD with your substance, with the first fruits of all your increase;
so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
My son, don’t despise the LORD’s discipline, neither be weary of his correction;
for whom the LORD loves, he corrects, even as a father reproves the son in whom he delights.

Wisdom is more valuable than riches

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gets understanding.
For her good profit is better than getting silver, and her return is better than fine gold.
She is more precious than rubies. None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her.
Length of days is in her right hand. In her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness. All her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her. Happy is everyone who retains her.
By wisdom the LORD founded the earth. By understanding, he established the heavens.
By his knowledge, the depths were broken up, and the skies drop down the dew.

The ways of the wise

My son, let them not depart from your eyes. Keep sound wisdom and discretion,
so they will be life to your soul, and grace for your neck.
Then you shall walk in your way securely. Your foot won’t stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid. Yes, you will lie down, and your sleep will be sweet.
Don’t be afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it comes;
for the LORD will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being taken.
Don’t withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.
Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go, and come again; tomorrow I will give it to you,” when you have it by you.
Don’t devise evil against your neighbor, since he dwells securely by you.
Don’t strive with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.
Don’t envy the man of violence. Choose none of his ways.
For the perverse is an abomination to the LORD, but his friendship is with the upright.
The LORD’s curse is in the house of the wicked, but he blesses the habitation of the righteous.
Surely he mocks the mockers, but he gives grace to the humble.
The wise will inherit glory, but shame will be the promotion of fools.