Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Job

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 32 -

Elihu contradicts Job's friends

But these three men ceased to answer Job, because he considered himself justified.
And Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram, was angry and indignant. But he was angry against Job because he described himself to be just in the presence of God.
Moreover, he was indignant with his friends because they had not found a reasonable response, except in so far as they condemned Job.
Therefore, Eliu waited while Job was talking, for these were his elders that were speaking.
But when he saw that these three were not able to respond, he was extremely angry.
And so Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite responded by saying: I am younger in years, and you are more ancient; therefore, I kept my head low, for I was afraid to reveal to you my opinion.
For I had hoped that greater age would speak, and that a multitude of years would teach wisdom.
But I see now that there is only breath in men, and that it is the inspiration of the Almighty that gives understanding.(a)
The wise are not the aged, nor do the elders understand judgment.
Therefore, I will speak. Listen to me, and so I will show you my wisdom.
For I have endured your words; I have paid attention to your deliberations, while you were being argumentative with words.
And as long as I supposed that you were saying something, I considered; but now I see that there is none of you that is able to argue with Job and to respond to his words.
So that you will not say, “We have found wisdom,” God has thrown him down, not man.(b)
He has said nothing to me, and I will not respond to him according to your words.
Then they were filled with dread, and so they no longer responded, and they withdrew from their speechmaking.
Therefore, because I have waited and they have not been speaking, for they stood firm and did not respond at all,(c)
I also will answer in my turn, and I will reveal my knowledge.
For I am full of words, and the feeling in my gut inspires me.
Yes, my stomach is like fermenting wine without a vent, which bursts the new containers.
I should speak, but I will also breathe a little; I will open my lips, and I will answer.
I will not esteem the reputation of a man, and I will not equate God with man.(d)
For I do not know how long I will continue, and whether, after a while, my Maker might take me away.


(a)32:8 The word ‘spiritus’ should not be capitalized here, as if it referred to the Spirit of God. The word ‘spiritus’ refers to the breath, or the breath of life, or life, or spirit. It does not refer to the soul, however. The ancient view of the human person was: body, breath of life (spiritus), and soul (anima). Here Eliu is saying that there is only breath or wind in men, and that, if any man has understanding, it is a gift from God.(Conte)
(b)32:13 The expression ‘ne forte’ can be translated as ‘lest,’ but it has a negative connotation in Latin. So a better translation would preserve that negation. The quotation here is only two words: “Invenimus sapientiam.” And the last part explains that God chose to defeat Job through a young man (Eliu), so that it could be seen that such wisdom must have come from God, not man.(Conte)
(c)32:16 The word ‘steterunt’ in this context does not refer to standing, but to remaining or persevering, i.e. ‘they stood firm’ in their refusal to respond. Notice that Eliu is now addressing Job, so that he calls the others ‘they.’ The previous verse, 32:15, is not a quote of Eliu speaking, but is used to separate the section where Eliu addresses the three men from the section where Eliu addresses Job.(Conte)
(d)32:21 I will not level God with man:Here Eliu considers that Job has put himself on a level with God, by the manner he assumed to justify his own life in speaking to God as if he spoke to an equal: Eliu expresses in the following ver. 22 his fear of punishment hereafter for such an attempt.(Challoner)

Elihu widerspricht Hiobs Freunden

Jene drei Männer aber antworteten Job nicht mehr, weil er sich für gerecht hielt.
Und Eliu, der Sohn Barachels, der Buziter, vom Geschlechte Ram, ward zornig und ergrimmte über Job, weil dieser sich für gerecht vor Gott erklärte,
und er zürnte über seine Freunde, weil sie keine verständige Entgegnung gefunden, sondern Job nur verdammt hatten.
Eliu aber hatte gewartet, so lange Job redete; denn die, welche redeten, waren älter.
Als er aber sah, dass die drei nicht entgegnen konnten, ward er sehr zornig.
Und Eliu, der Sohn Barachels, der Buziter, begann und sprach: Ich bin jünger an Jahren, ihr aber seid älter; darum senkte ich das Haupt und scheute mich, euch meine Meinung kundzugeben.
Denn ich hoffte, das reifere Alter werde reden und die Menge der Jahre Weisheit lehren.
Allein, wie ich sehe, ist es der Geist in dem Menschen und die Eingebung des Allmächtigen, die Einsicht gibt.
Nicht die Bejahrten sind die Weisen und nicht die Greise sehen das Rechte ein.
Darum will ich reden: Höret mich, auch ich will euch meine Weisheit kundgeben!
Denn ich habe auf eure Reden gewartet, auf eure Weisheit gehorcht, bis ihr den Streit entschieden hättet,
und hatte acht, solange ich glaubte, ihr würdet etwas sagen; doch wie ich sehe, ist keiner von euch, der Job überführen und auf seine Reden antworten könnte.
Saget nicht etwa: Wir haben die Weisheit gefunden, Gott hat ihn niedergeworfen, nicht ein Mensch!
Er hat zu mir nichts geredet und ich will ihm nicht nach euern Reden entgegnen.
Sie sind erschrocken und entgegnen nichts mehr und haben sich selbst die Rede entzogen.
Da ich also wartete und sie nicht redeten, inne hielten und nicht weiter antworteten,
so will auch ich meinen Teil antworten und zeigen, was ich weiß.
Denn ich bin voll von Reden und der Geist beengt mich in meinem Innern.
Sehet, mein Inneres ist wie Most, der kein Lustloch hat, der neue Flaschen sprengt.
Ich will reden und mir ein wenig Luft machen, will meine Lippen auftun und antworten.
Ich werde keines Menschen Partei nehmen und werde Gott dem Menschen nicht gleichstellen,
denn ich weiß nicht, wie lange ich da sein werde und ob nicht über ein Kleines mein Schöpfer mich hinwegnimmt!