Gottes Neue Bibel

The First Book of the Chronicles

Geneva Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 7 -

And the sonnes of Issachar were Tola and Puah, Iashub, and Shimron, foure,
And the sonnes of Tola, Vzzi, and Rephaiah, and Ieriel, and Iahmai, and Iibsam, and Shemuel, heads in the housholdes of their fathers. Of Tola were valiant men of warre in their generations, whose nomber was in the dayes of Dauid two and twentie thousand, and sixe hundreth.
And the sonne of Vzzi was Izrahaiah, and the sonnes of Izrahaiah, Michael, and Obadiah, and Ioel, and Isshiah, fiue men all princes.
And with them in their generations after the houshold of their fathers were bandes of men of warre for battel, sixe and thirtie thousand: for they had many wiues and children.
And their brethren among all the families of Issachar were valiant men of warre, rekoned in all by their genealogies foure score and seuen thousand.

The Descendants of Benjamin

The sonnes of Beniamin were Bela, and Becher, and Iediael, three.
And the sonnes of Bela, Ezbon, and Vzzi, and Vzziel, and Ierimoth, and Iri, fiue heads of the housholds of their fathers, valiant men of warre, and were rekoned by their genealogies, two and twentie thousand and thirtie and foure.
And the sonnes of Becher, Zemirah, and Ioash, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Omri, and Ierimoth, and Abiah, and Anathoth, and Alameth: all these were the sonnes of Becher.
And they were nombred by their genealogies according to their generations, and the chiefe of the houses of their fathers, valiant men of warre, twenty thousand and two hundreth.
And the sonne of Iediael was Bilhan, and the sonnes of Bilhan, Ieush, and Beniamin, and Ehud, and Chenaanah, and Zethan, and Tharshish, and Ahishahar.
All these were the sonnes of Iediael, chiefe of the fathers, valiant men of warre, seuenteene thousand and two hundreth, marching in battel aray to the warre.
And Shuppim, and Huppim were ye sonnes of Ir, but Hushim was the sonne of another.

The Descendants of Naphtali

The sonnes of Naphtali, Iahziel, and Guni, and Iezer, and Shallum of the sonnes of Bilhah.

The Descendants of Manasseh

The sonne of Manasseh was Ashriel whom she bare vnto him, but his concubine of Aram bare Machir the father of Gilead.
And Machir tooke to wife the sister of Huppim and Shuppim, and the name of their sister was Maachah. And the name of the second sonne was Zelophehad, and Zelophehad had daughters.
And Maachah the wife of Machir bare a sonne, and called his name Peresh, and the name of his brother was Sheresh: and his sonnes were Vlam and Rakem.
And the sonne of Vlam was Bedan. These were the sonnes of Gilead the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasseh.
And his sister Molecheth bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah.
And the sonnes of Shemida were Ahian, and Shechem, and Likhi, and Aniam.

The Descendants of Ephraim

The sonnes also of Ephraim were Shuthelah, and Bered his sonne, and Tahath his sonne, and his sonne Eladah, and Tahath his sonne,
And Zabad his sonne, and Shuthelah his sonne, and Ezer, and Elead: and the men of Gath that were borne in the land, slewe them, because they came downe to take away their cattel.
Therefore Ephraim their father mourned many dayes, and his brethren came to comfort him.
And when he went in to his wife, she conceiued, and bare him a sonne, and he called his name Beriah, because affliction was in his house.
And his daughter was Sherah, which built Beth-horon the nether, and the vpper, and Vzzen Sheerah.
And Rephah was his sonne, and Resheph, and Telah his sonne, and Tahan his sonne,
Laadan his sonne, Ammihud his sonne, Elishama his sonne,
Non his sonne, Iehoshua his sonne.
And their possessions and their habitations were Beth-el, and the villages thereof, and Eastward Naaran, and Westwarde Gezer with the villages thereof, Shechem also and the villages thereof, vnto Azzah, and the villages thereof,
And by the places of the children of Manasseh, Beth-shean and her villages, Taanach and her villages, Megiddo and her villages, Dor and her villages. In those dwelt the children of Ioseph the sonne of Israel.

The Descendants of Asher

The sonnes of Asher were Imnah, and Isuah, and Ishuai, and Beriah, and Serah their sister.
And the sonnes of Beriah, Heber, and Malchiel, which is the father of Birzauith.
And Heber begate Iaphlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shuah their sister.
And the sonnes of Iaphlet were Pasach, and Bimhal, and Ashuath: these were the children of Iaphlet.
And the sonnes of Shamer, Ahi, and Rohgah, Iehubbah, and Aram.
And the sonnes of his brother Helem were Zophah, and Iimna, and Shelesh and Amal.
The sonnes of Zophah, Suah, and Harnepher, and Shual, and Beri, and Imrah,
Bezer and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera.
And the sonnes of Iether, Iephunneh, and Pispa and Ara.
And the sonnes of Vlla, Harah, and Haniel, and Rizia.
All these were the children of Asher, the heads of their fathers houses, noble men, valiant men of warre and chiefe princes, and they were rekoned by their genealogies for warre and for battell to the nomber of sixe and twentie thousand men.

Das Geschlecht Issaschar

Die Söhne Issachars waren: Thola, Phua, Jasub und Simeron, vier.
Die Söhne Tholas: Ozi, Raphaja, Jeriel, Jemai, Jebsem und Samuel, die Fürsten in ihren Geschlechtshäusern. Vom Geschlechte Tholas zählte man sehr tapfere Männer in den Tagen Davids, zweiundzwanzigtausend sechshundert.
Die Söhne Ozis: Izrahia, von dem Michael, Obadia, Joel und Jesia abstammen, zusammen fünf Fürsten.
Zu ihnen gehörten nach ihren Familien und Geschlechtern sehr tapfere, kampfbereite Krieger, sechsunddreißigtausend; denn sie hatten viele Weiber und Söhne.
Auch ihre Brüder wurden nach allen Geschlechtern Issachars gezählt, siebenundachtzigtausend kriegstüchtige Männer.

Das Geschlecht der Benjaminiter

Die Söhne Benjamins: Bela, Bechor und Jadiel, drei.
Die Söhne Belas: Esbon, Ozi, Oziel, Jerimoth und Urai, fünf Familienhäupter und sehr kriegstüchtige Männer; ihre Zahl aber war zweiundzwanzigtausendvierunddreißig.
Die Söhne Bechors ferner waren: Zamira, Joas, Eliezer, Elioenai, Amri, Jerimoth, Abia, Anathoth und Almath; alle diese waren Söhne Bechors.
Sie wurden nach den Geschlechtern gezählt, Häupter ihrer Familien, kriegstüchtige Männer, zwanzigtausendzweihundert.
Ferner die Söhne Jadihels: Balan. Die Söhne Balans aber: Jehus, Benjamin, Aod, Chanana, Zethan, Tharsis und Ahisahar.
Alle diese waren Söhne Jadihels, Häupter ihrer Geschlechter, tapfere Männer, siebzehntausendzweihundert, welche zum Kampfe auszogen.
Und Sepham und Hapham waren die Söhne Hirs und Hasim die Söhne Ahers.

Das Geschlecht Naftali

Die Söhne Nephthalis aber waren: Jasiel, Guni, Jeser und Sellum, die Söhne Balas.

Das Geschlecht Manasse (Westen)

Der Sohn Manasses war Esriel; und seine syrische Nebenfrau gebar Machir, den Vater von Galaad.
Machir aber gab seinen Söhnen Happhim und Saphan Weiber, er hatte auch eine Schwester, namens Maacha; des zweiten Name aber ist Salphaad und dem Salphaad wurden Töchter geboren.
Und Maacha, das Weib Machirs, gebar einen Sohn und nannte seinen Namen Phares, der Name seines Bruders aber war Sares, seine Söhne waren Ulam und Reken.
Ulams Sohn war Badan. Das sind die Söhne Galaads, des Sohnes Machirs, des Sohnes Manasses.
Seine Schwester Regina aber gebar Schönmann, Abiezer und Mohola.
Die Söhne Semidas waren Ahin, Sechem, Leki und Aniam.

Das Geschlecht Ephraim

Die Söhne Ephraims aber waren: Suthala. Dessen Sohn war Bared, dessen Sohn Thahath, dessen Sohn Zabad,
dessen Sohn Suthala, dessen Söhne Ezer und Elad. Die Männer von Geth aber, die Landeseingeborenen, töteten sie, weil diese herabgezogen waren, um ihnen ihren Besitz zu rauben.
Darum trauerte Ephraim, ihr Vater, viele Tage lang und seine Brüder kamen, ihn zu trösten.
Und er ging zu seinem Weibe ein, welche empfing und einen Sohn gebar; dessen Namen nannte er Beria, weil er während des Unglückes seines Hauses geboren war.
Seine Tochter aber war Sara, welche Unter- und Ober-Bethoron und Ozensara baute.
Und sein Sohn war Rapha, Reseph und Thale, von welchem Thaan gezeugt ward,
welcher den Laadan zeugte; dessen Sohn war Ammiud, der Elisama zeugte,
von welchem Nun herstammte, der Josue zum Sohne hatte.
Ihr Besitz und ihr Wohnsitz aber war Bethel mit seinen Töchterstädten und gegen Osten Noran, gegen Westen Gazer und dessen Tochterstädten bis nach Aza mit seinen Tochterstädten.
Und auf der Seite der Söhne Manasses: Bethsan und dessen Tochterstädte, Thanach und dessen Tochterstädte, Mageddo und dessen Tochterstädte, Dor und dessen Tochterstädte; in diesen wohnten die Söhne Josephs, des Sohnes Israels.

Die Familie von Asser

Die Söhne Asers waren: Jemna, Jesua, Jessui, Baria und deren Schwester Sara.
Die Söhne Barias waren: Heber und Melchiel; dieser ist der Vater von Barsaith.
Heber aber zeugte Jephlat, Somer und Hotham und ihre Schwester Suaa.
Die Söhne Jephlaths waren: Phosech, Chamaal und Asoth; das waren die Söhne Jephlats.
Und die Söhne Somers waren: Ahi, Roaga, Haba und Aram.
Die Söhne Helems aber, seines Bruders, waren Supha, Jemna, Selles und Amal.
Die Söhne Suphas waren: Sue, Harnapher, Sual, Beri, Jamra,
Bosor, Hod, Samma, Salusa, Jethran und Bera.
Die Söhne Jethers: Jephone, Phaspha und Ara.
Und die Söhne Ollas: Aree, Haniel und Resia.
Diese alle waren Söhne Asers, Fürsten der Geschlechter, auserlesene und starke Helden, starke Häupter der Heerführer; die Zahl aber derer, die nach ihrem Alter kriegstüchtig waren, betrug sechsundzwanzigtausend.