Gottes Neue Bibel

The General Epistle of Jude

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

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- Kapitel 1 -

(James 1:1)
I am Jude. I am a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother to James. I am writing to you whom God has called to him, to you whom God the Father loves, to you whom he is keeping for Jesus Christ.
May God have much mercy on you. May he give you much peace, and may he love you very much.

God’s Judgment on the Ungodly

(2 Peter 3:1–7)
You whom I love, I tried very hard to write a letter to you about how God has saved us all together. I needed to write to encourage you to do your best to speak for the true things that we believe. These are things that God has taught to all those who trust in Messiah. These things will never change.
There are men who are creeping into your assemblies; they are like the wicked men the prophets wrote about long ago, they teach false things and they twist the grace of God into giving permission to commit sexual sin. In this way they oppose what is true about Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord.
Although you previously knew all these things, there are certain things about which I desire to remind you. Do not forget that although the Lord rescued his people from Egypt, he later destroyed most of those same people, those people who did not believe in him.
Also, there were many angels to whom God assigned positions of authority in heaven. But they did not continue to rule with authority in those positions. Instead, they abandoned those places. So God has put those angels in chains forever in darkness in hell. They will stay there until the important day in which God will judge and punish them.
Similarly, the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah cities and the nearby cities committed sexual immorality. They sought all kinds of sexual relations that differ from what God permits. So God destroyed their cities. What happened to those people and those angels in heaven shows that God will punish people, such as the ones who teach false doctrine, in the eternal fire of hell.
Similarly, these people in your midst also defile their own bodies by living immorally. They say that God has sent them visions that tell them to do this. But they do not obey God’s commands, and they insult his wonderful angels.
Even when Michael the archangel argued with Satan about who would take possession of Moses’ body, he kept from insulting and condemning him; he merely said, “May the Lord punish you!”
But these people about whom I am writing say evil words about everything good that they do not understand. They are just like wild animals that cannot think, because all the things that they are naturally able to understand destroy them.
God will punish very severely those who do these things. They behave like Cain did. They commit the same sin as the sin Balaam committed for money, and they will die like Korah, who rebelled against Moses.
These people are like rocks under the water that ships crash against. When they share in your love feasts, they have no shame, because they eat only to please themselves. They are like clouds that give no rain, clouds that the wind pushes along. They do no good deeds, for they are like trees in late autumn that bear no fruit. They are like people who have died two times; they are like trees that have been uprooted.
They do not control themselves. They are like the sea’s strong waves in a storm, and they pollute others with their shame, just as the waves bring up foam and dirt onto the beaches. They are like stars that do not stay where they should in the sky. God will put them in very great darkness forever.
Enoch, the seventh person in the line of people who descended from Adam, said this about those teachers of false doctrine: “Listen carefully to this: The Lord will certainly come with a countless number of his holy angels.
They will judge everyone and will punish all wicked people, and all who dishonor God. The angels will do this, because of all the harsh things that these people have spoken against God.”
These teachers of false doctrine grumble about the things that God does. They complain about what happens to them. They do the evil things because they wish to do them. They talk boastfully. They praise people in order to get things from them.

A Call to Persevere

(Hebrews 10:19–39; 2 Peter 3:1–7)
But you people whom I love, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said long ago.
They told you, “Just before the last day, some people will laugh at the true things that God has told us. They will commit the sins with their bodies that they wish to commit because they dishonor God.”
These are the people who make believers angry with each other. They do all the wicked things that they want to do. The Spirit of God does not live within them.
But you people whom I love, strengthen each other using the truth about God that you believe. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the way to pray.
Keep conducting your lives in a way that is right for those whom God loves. Keep constantly expecting that our Lord Jesus Christ will act mercifully toward you. Keep expecting that until the time when we begin living eternally with him.
Be kind to those who are not certain about what teachings they should believe, and help them.
Keep others from going into the fire of everlasting punishment. Be kind to people who sin, but be afraid to join them in those sins. Instead, hate even their clothing, because it is made dirty by their sins.


(Romans 16:25–27)
God is able to keep you trusting in him. He will also take you into his presence, where there is brilliant light. You will rejoice very much and be free from sin.
He is the only true God. He has saved us as a result of what Jesus Christ our Lord did for us. God was glorious, great, and mighty, and he ruled with great authority before time began. He is still like that, and he will remain like that forever! Amen!

Gruß an die Berufenen

(Jakobus 1,1)
Judas, Diener Jesu Christi und Bruder des Jakobus, den in Gott, dem Vater, Geliebten und für Jesus Christus Bewahrten und Berufenen.
Barmherzigkeit und Friede und Liebe werde euch in Fülle!

Streitet für den Glauben

(2. Petrus 3,1-7)
Geliebte! da ich mit allem Eifer bedacht war, euch über euer gemeinsames Heil zu schreiben, sah ich mich genötigt euch zu schreiben, dass ihr, wie ich euch inständig bitte, für den einmal den Heiligen überlieferten Glauben kämpfet.
Denn es haben sich gewisse Menschen eingeschlichen (die für ein solches Strafgericht längst vorherbestimmt sind), Gottlose, welche die Gnade unsers Gottes in Ausschweifung verkehren, und unsern alleinigen Gebieter, den Herrn Jesus Christus, verleugnen.

Alte und neue Abtrünnige

Ich will euch aber, die ihr einmal alles wisset, daran erinnern, dass Jesus, nachdem er sein Volk aus dem Lande Ägypten gerettet, das zweite Mal jene, welche nicht glaubten, vernichtet hat.
Auch hat er die Engel, welche ihre Herrschaft nicht bewahrten, sondern ihre Wohnung verließen, auf das Gericht des großen Tages mit ewigen Banden unter der Finsternis bewahrt.
Wie Sodoma und Gomorrha und die umliegenden Städte, welche in ähnlicher Weise sich in Unzucht erschöpften und unnatürlicher Wollust nachgingen, zum Beispiele geworden sind, indem sie die Strafe ewigen Feuers erleiden.
Ebenso beflecken auch diese das Fleisch, verachten die Herrschaft und lästern die Majestät.
Als der Erzengel Michael, mit dem Teufel rechtend um den Leib des Moses stritt, wagte er es nicht ein lästerndes Urteil gegen ihn zu fällen, sondern sprach: Der Herr gebiete dir!
Diese aber lästern alles, was sie nicht kennen, das aber, was sie von Natur, wie die unvernünftigen Tiere, verstehen, darin verderben sie.
Wehe ihnen, denn sie sind den Weg Kains gewandelt und haben sich in den Irrtum Balaams um Lohnes willen fortreißen lassen und sind in der Auflehnung Kores zu Grunde gegangen.

Abtrünnige Verderbte und Verdammte

Diese sind bei ihren Liebesmahlen Schandflecken, indem sie ohne Scheu prassen, sich selbst weiden; wasserlose Wolken, die von den Winden dahingetrieben werden, Bäume im Spätherbst, unfruchtbar, zweifach erstorben, entwurzelt,
tobende Meereswogen, ihre eigene Schande ausschäumend, Irrsterne, welchen der Sturm der Finsternis für ewig aufbehalten ist.
Es hat aber auch auf diese der siebente von Adam, Enoch, geweissagt, indem er sprach: Siehe, es ist der Herr gekommen mit seinen heiligen Taufenden,
Gericht zu halten über alle, und zur Strafe zu ziehen alle Gottlosen wegen aller Werke ihrer Gottlosigkeit, durch welche sie sich gottlos bewiesen, und wegen aller frevelhaften Reden, welche die gottlosen Sünder wider Gott ausgestoßen.

Abtrünnige vorhergesagt

Sie sind murrende, stets klagende, nach ihren Lüsten wandelnde Leute, ihr Mund redet Vermessenes, indes sie den Menschen um des Gewinnes willen schmeicheln.
(Hebräer 10,19-39; 2. Petrus 3,1-7)
Ihr aber, Geliebte! seid eingedenk der Worte, die von den Aposteln unsers Herrn Jesus Christus vorhergesagt sind,
welche euch sagten: Zur letzten Stunde werden Spötter kommen, die nach ihren eigenen Gelüsten in Gottlosigkeiten wandeln.
Diese sind es, welche sich absondern, sinnliche Menschen, die den Geist nicht haben.

Bewahre das Leben mit Gott

Ihr aber, Geliebte! bauet euch fest auf euern heiligsten Glauben, betet im Heiligen Geiste,
bewahret euch in der Liebe Gottes, und harret auf das Erbarmen unsers Herrn Jesus Christus zum ewigen Leben.
Und die einen weiset zurecht als schon Gerichtete,
andere aber rettet, indem ihr sie dem Feuer entreißet. Anderer wiederum erbarmet euch in Furcht, so dass ihr selbst das vom Fleische befleckte Kleid verabscheut.

Gott die Ehre geben

(Römer 16,25-27)
Dem aber, welcher mächtig ist, euch ohne Sünde zu bewahren und vor seiner Herrlichkeit unbefleckt in Frohlocken darzustellen bei der Ankunft unsers Herrn Jesus Christus,
ihm, dem alleinigen Gott, unserm Heilande, durch Jesus Christus, unsern Herrn, ist Herrlichkeit und Majestät, Herrschaft und Macht vor aller Zeit, jetzt und in alle Ewigkeit! Amen.