Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 126 -

The captives of Zion restored

When Yahweh made Jerusalem prosperous again, it was wonderful; it seemed as though we were dreaming.
We were extremely happy, and we continued shouting joyfully. Then the other people groups said about us, “Yahweh has done great things for them!”
We said, “Yes, Yahweh truly has done great things for us, and we are very happy.”
Restore us, O Yahweh, like the rains that fill the streams in the southern Judean wilderness. Enable our nation to become great again like it was before.
We cried when we planted seeds because it was hard work preparing the soil that had not been plowed for many years; now we want to shout joyfully because we are gathering a big harvest.
Those who cried as they carried the bags of seeds to the fields will shout joyfully when they bring the crops to their houses at harvest time.

Die Gefangenen Zions wiederhergestellt

Stufengesang. Als der Herr die Gefangenschaft Sions wendete, glichen wir Getrösteten.
Da ward unser Mund voll der Freude und unsere Zunge voll des Jubels, da sprach man unter den Heiden: Der Herr hat Großes an ihnen getan.
Ja, Großes hat der Herr an uns getan, wir sind fröhlich geworden.
Wende, o Herr! unsere Gefangenschaft, gleich dem Bache im Mittagslande.
Die mit Tränen säen, werden mit Frohlocken ernten.
Sie gehen dahin mit Weinen, ihren Samen ausstreuend, aber sie werden mit Frohlocken kommen, ihre Garben tragend.