God's New Bible

The Prophet Amos

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Chapter 8 -

Thus has Lord YHWH showed me, and behold, a basket of summer-fruit.
And He says, “What are you seeing, Amos?” And I say, “A basket of summer-fruit.” And YHWH says to me: “The end has come to My people Israel, || I no longer pass over to it anymore.
And female singers have howled of a palace in that day,” || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || “Many [are] the carcasses, into any place throw—hush!”
Hear this, you who are swallowing up the needy, || To cause the poor of the land to cease,
Saying, “When does the new moon pass, || And we sell ground grain? And the Sabbath, and we open out pure grain? To make little the ephah, || And to make great the shekel, || And to use balances of deceit perversely.
To purchase the poor with money, || And the needy for a pair of sandals, || Indeed, the refuse of the pure grain we sell.”
YHWH has sworn by the excellence of Jacob: “I do not forget any of their works forever.
Does the land not tremble for this, || And every dweller in it has mourned? And all of it has come up as a flood. And it has been cast out, and has sunk, || Like the flood of Egypt.
And it has come to pass in that day,” || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || “I have caused the sun to go in at noon, || And caused darkness on the land in a day of light,
And have turned your festivals to mourning, || And all your songs to lamentation, || And caused sackcloth to come up on all loins, || And on every headbaldness, || And made it as a mourning of an only one, || And its latter end as a day of bitterness.
Behold, days are coming,” || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || “And I have sent a famine into the land, || Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, || But of hearing the words of YHWH.
And they have wandered from sea to sea, || And from north even to east, || They go to and fro to seek the word of YHWH, || And they do not find [it].
In that day the beautiful virgins, || And the young men, faint with thirst.
Those swearing by the guilt of Samaria, || And who have said, Your god lives, O Dan, || And, The way of Beer-Sheba lives, || Indeed, they have fallen and do not rise again!”