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 Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 11:04 PM UTC by Christian

💕 Relief from the Negative Vaccination Effects

Relief from the Negative Vaccination Effects

All those who have been vaccinated for lack of knowledge, faith or fear and are sheep of My flock, I say do not fear, for there is a hope for you. If you pray My Rosary of the Precious Blood and Wounds along with the Litany of My Blood in faith as a novena* and ask Me that My Blood destroy the harmful effects of the vaccine in your body, I will free you from its harmful effects by My mercy and seal you with My Blood. (Jesus)

* Novena means to pray the Rosary and Litany once a day for 9 consecutive days.

Rosary to the Precious Blood

Make the sign of the cross †
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Apostles' Creed ...

On the 1st bead: Our Father ...

3 x Hail Mary...

at the 1st "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who increases faith in us ...

at the 2nd "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who strengthens hope in us ...

at the 3rd "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who kindles love in us ...

1 x Glory be to the Father ...

Each rosary set consists of one "Our Father", ten "Hail Mary" and one "Glory be to the Father". Thereby, on each decade (10 beads), a different insertion is prayed at each of the "Hail Mary" prayers:

(I) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, immerse us eternally in Your Precious Blood ... (10x)

(II) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, take us eternally into Your wounded heart.... (10x)

(III) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, hide us eternally in Your Holy Wounds.... (10x)

(IV) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, give us Your love of the cross and of suffering, and perfect conformity to the will of the Father.... (10x)

(V) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, press the features of Your face eternally into our hearts.... (10x)

After each "Glory be to the Father" we pray:

Eternal Father I offer to You in the name of all through Mary forever the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ for the conversion of sinners and youth and for the expiation of the sins of the whole world.

At the end of the rosary:

O Jesus, Divine Savior, have mercy on us. Mercy to us and to the whole world. Amen. Grace and mercy, my Jesus, during the present danger. Cover us with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

Eternal Father, show us mercy in the name of the Holy Blood of Your only Son.

Litany to the Precious Blood
(for the Poor Souls)

(The invocations "redeem them" can also be replaced by "save us")

Lord, have mercy on them.
Christ, have mercy on them.
Lord, have mercy on them.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father from heaven, have mercy on them.
God Son, Savior of the world, have mercy on them.
God Holy Spirit, have mercy on them.
Holy Trinity, one united God, have mercy on them.

Blood of Christ, the only begotten Son of the eternal Father, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, the incarnate Word of God, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, of the New and Everlasting Covenant, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, running to the earth in the anguish of death, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed at the scourging, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed at the crowning of thorns, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed on the cross, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, purchase price of our salvation, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, only forgiveness of sins, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, in the sacrament of the altar potion and purification of souls, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, vanquisher of all evil spirits, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, strong courage of the martyrs, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, strength of the confessors, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, life source of virgin souls, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, support of the vulnerable, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, relief of the suffering, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, comfort of those who weep, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, hope of the dying, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, peace and delight of all hearts, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, deliverance from the depths of purgatory, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, supremely worthy of all honor and glory, redeem them.

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us.

Let us pray! O my Savior, who in immeasurable love for our salvation have shed Your Precious Blood to the last drop; let it now flow into Purgatory, so that suffering souls, cleansed from all stain, may enter Heaven and praise and glorify You forever. Amen. We beseech You, Lord, come to the aid of Your servants whom You redeem by Your Precious Blood.

See also:
