God's New Bible

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1449 -

The Love of the Father!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Message of August 30, 2024

God the Father: Write, My daughter, write, My child, for Me, for the children of the earth, for it is not well with them, with you, with your world affairs.

John: And only your conversion will save you from the great suffering, the great misery and the unspeakable injustices that will now break loose.

God the Father: My child. Tell the children that I love them. My love for them is infinite, and it is merciful, yet what is happening on your earth, in your world, is unlike anything that has ever happened before.

NEVER put My goodness, My patience and My merciful love to the test, for whoever wants to meet Me, do it out of love!

Only he who has entered into the covenant with the devil, consciously or unconsciously(!), tests My patience, My goodness and My love, but, beloved children that you are, this will never happen, for:

I, your Father in Heaven, am a loving Father and My love for you is infinite! But mercy will give way to justice, and well to him who meets Me in love, well to him who loves My Son.

My child. Tell the children that My love is infinite. No matter what you do, My love for you is always there!

So many of you do not know this, but through repentance and penance, through atonement and sacrifice, you can free yourselves from sin and draw on My infinite love for you.

You are My children, and as such I love you like a father. I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, to you so that you may rise again and live with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven. But many of you prefer worldly life to eternal life in glory.

Children, children! Let it be said to you that worldly things will never satisfy you! Your thirst for more and more makes so many of you apostate. You are not fulfilled in the worldly life, nor will you attain the eternal unless you repent.

So draw on My merciful love and open your heart to Me, to Jesus. Only HE will open the gates to the New Kingdom for you, only through HIM will you attain glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Your Father in heaven with John.

John: My children. The Father is concerned about you, about your salvation. You are very distant from Him, from Jesus, as company, and only a few children are ready for the days to come. Everything that has been revealed to you is coming to pass. You are living in the end times, why do you not see it?

Turn away from the world, which the devil has endowed with the most seductive things, and turn to Jesus! What is a worldly life compared to the eternal one?!

Mary Magdalene: Be wise and not foolish, for the foolish will not see the gates of the New Kingdom opened. But the wise are ready for the Lord and His return, and that day is near, very near.

An angel of the Lord: My children. Jesus is coming again, so prepare yourselves, for only those who are ready for HIM will go with HIM, but all others will perish, for they were not ready for the Lord.

So listen to the word that is written here, for it is the Father who does not want to see any of His children lost.

Be ready.

I, an angel of the Lord, say it to you today, with Mary Magdalene and John, because the time has come, and the Father is concerned about His children, about you. Amen.