God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 10

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Der Herr in der Stadt am Nebo

- Chapter 219 -

The characteristics of a false prophet.

Simon Judah said: "O Lord and Master, I understand this now so very distinctly and clearly that I think that it simply cannot be clearer. But I honestly must confess that for us, Your first disciples, it is easier to understand those things, for on many occasions we heard great and similar announcements by Your mercy and love, but for many others who still walk in darkness it will take great trouble to also make such truths as clear to them as they are for us now. O Lord and Master, the many teachings that you expressed in simple words will be like the lot of teachings from the mouth of the prophets, especially the prophets Daniel and Ezekiel and the teachings that originate from the wisdom of Solomon. Because the more you read them or the more you let them be read to you, the less you understand them.
Your teaching has the same characteristics, especially when You speak in parables and images. We understand Your parables and images, but many thousands and thousands of people, who will come after us and who will also accept Your teaching, will not understand the parables and images and they most likely will give a different meaning to it, and in this manner Your very pure and true teaching will repeatedly crumble. But what can we do against this problem?"
I said: "Did I not tell you that it is given to you to understand the secrets of My Kingdom? For I chose you as My disciples and teachers of the people who will follow Me, for every teacher or master must unmistakably know and understand more than his student, otherwise he cannot be a teacher or master.
If the master would not be wiser than the student, would this not mean the same as when one blind man would lead the other till they come to a pit in which they both will fall? Therefore, only few are chosen, even if many are called.
They only should be fed with the very simple milk of My teaching. If they will become manly and strong, then manlier and stronger food can be given to them. So take especially care that no one will arise who is only called and would say to the people: 'Also we belong to the chosen ones', with the purpose to teach the people for worldly profit, because then one blind man will lead the other.
But you will recognize the one who is chosen among the people from the fact that he just like you is filled with My Spirit and will preach the true love for God and the neighbor.
But if he preaches like the Pharisees in the temple, then he is someone who is chosen by the Pharisees and is just like them of this world and just like them a devil, for the one who does not gather the true love and wisdom from Me, scatters and is a false teacher. Such person will throw the people into superstition out of which - especially when the people became older and are really totally adhered to the darkness of superstition - all the angels will not be able anymore to bring them back into the sphere of the pure truth by which they then could become free in all things. And I say to you that all evils are more easily removed from man than superstition, because every other evil imprisons the soul of man only partially, but dark superstition completely.
I already told you once that even during your life a great number of false teachers and prophets, and with that also a great number of false christs, will teach the people and say: 'Look, here is Christ', or 'There He is', or 'He lives in the temple', or 'in the chambers'. In such case, say to the people that they are being deceived by such teaching.
Those who will turn to you, lay your hands on them and baptize them in My name. I will poor out My Spirit over them, then they will recognize the truth, and they themselves will then remove the false prophets and false christs from the community.
If the deceived people will not listen to you and will moreover persecute you for the sake of their false teachers and prophets, turn away from them and travel further to where My Spirit will pull you. Leave all the rest to Me, for at the right time I will know how to visit such false teachers and prophets with My judgment, and the same will happen to such false teachers and prophets in the beyond as what happened to the guest at My festive dinner who had no wedding garment. And the souls whom they darkened will be their most bitter persecutors.
It is sufficient that My teaching will be kept pure by only a few, and this will be taken care of at all times. But the rabble of worldly people will go on till the end, turning and bathing in their old excrements and pool of mud. And here is My commandment valid again for you: not to throw My pearls to the swine.
