God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)

- Chapter 112 -

A prediction about the present revelations.

(The Lord:) "I said, that you will see wonderful things of the rarest kind; now, except for the light ball which was brought by Raphael from deep within High-Africa, nothing further has happened, although the middle of the night has already been crossed. Earlier on I have drawn your attention to this, that for a short while I will open your eyes, that you as an introduction can see how the world actually looks like.
However, before I do this, I say and instruct you all, that you absolutely cannot tell anybody about your visions; since for this mankind of the world will not nearly be ready for a very long time, and basically it is also not necessary for the salvation of their souls, that mankind of the world learn about something like this! If only they very much wanted to accept, to love God above all and their neighbour like themselves, everything else, as far as necessary, will be revealed to them anyway.
But you, as the first fundamental pillars of My teaching, must by yourself secretly know more than all the others together, so that you after a while surely not be tempted to renegade from this My teaching.
Nevertheless, all this will still not get lost, and if a thousand and nearly again thousand of years has passed and My teaching has been completely buried in the dirtiest matter, I will during that time again awaken men, who conscientious will write down word-for-word in a large book what has been discussed here by you and by Me, and will be given to the world, by which many eyes will be opened again!"
Nota bene: You, My servant and writer, now think, that I did not mentioned it at that time?! Do you also want to become weak in your faith, as you are still weak in your flesh?! See, I say it to you, that I even gave your and a few others names to Cyrenius and Kornelius, and who are now the joyful witnesses of everything what I tell you in the pen. But at the end I also will give to you the names, who from now on in two-thousand years will write down and do even greater things than you are know! - Remember this for the time being and write down everything in full faith!
About this Cyrenius was very surprised and Kornelius asked Me about the men to whom this will be given.
And I gave them the standing and the character and even their names and added: "One of them, to whom will be revealed more than to you all now, will in a direct line be a descendant of the oldest son of Joseph and will therefore according to his body also be a true descendant of David. Thus he will be of the same weak flesh as David, but therefore even stronger in the spirit! Good for them, who will listen to them and arrange their lives accordingly!
But even the other great-awakened will mainly be descendants of David. Since such things can only be given to those, who even regarding the flesh descended from there, from where also I descended according to My flesh; since even I descended from David via Maria, the mother of this My body, because Maria is also a completely pure daughter of David. However, during that time the descendants of David will mainly live in Europe, but they nevertheless will be completely pure and true descendants of the man according to the heart of God and therefore able to be carriers of the greatest light out of the heavens. They surely will never sit on an earthly throne, but even more will wait for them in My kingdom, and I surely will always think of My brothers! But also most of My disciples, who are here, descend from their fathers side from David and are therefore in all seriousness My bodily brothers, accept for one who is not from above but purely from this world. He was not supposed to be among them, and still he has to be there, so that that, what has been written, is being fulfilled!"
Says Cyrenius quite amazed: "Thus only to the descendants of David You will always reveal Your will? Are Mathael, Zinka and Zorel also descendants of the great king? Since You also reveal to them the same as to the descendants of David!"
Says I: "Friend, this here does not take place in a manner of a secret revelation, but by way of an open word perceptible to every flesh ear! But it is something completely different to receive the secret, inner word, which comes from My word into the heart of him, who hears it in himself; and for that a certain prepared line of people is required, whose inner is capable, to endure the omnipotence and omni-strength of My word! Since every unprepared would already be destroyed and killed by only one word coming directly from Me. Once it has been written, then people with a good will and a good sense, can read it; it will not only not kill them, but strengthen for the eternal life.
But if evil world people would read it, to mock about it, they also would be destroyed and killed, although it is only written! Now you also know how these things are standing; and I say now, that you be prepared, to see the wonders of origin, being and permanence for ever!"
Says Cyrenius: "Lord, we are prepared to see, what Your great and very special mercy will show us; but only a very small question I still want to be answered by You, if it is permitted!"
Says I: "Just keep on asking, and I will answer you!"
