God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 8

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord and His adversaries

- Chapter 206 -

What the Lord requires from His followers.

The speaker said: "O Lord and Master, You are really endlessly good and wise, and You are, together with all Your godly glory, unspeakably meek, full of humility and kind, and filled with the highest and greatest of patience. And this strengthens us all the more in our belief that You really are the One who has been promised by the mouth of the prophets by Jehovah, that He will establish a real Kingdom of God on this Earth and how He will do that. And because we are believing this now without any doubt, we believe and expect also that You are so merciful to give our dead children back alive to us, whom we certainly will from now on educate more wisely than has been the case until now."
I said: "Yes, this I will do for you, but first listen well to what I will tell you now. When your dead children will be given back to you alive, then do not make a sensation, neither here nor on the way back, nor at home, and do not make Me nor the Essenes known any further. For from now on, no more dead people will be awakened to earthly life what concerns the flesh, but many spiritually dead souls for eternal life for which purpose men were created. Of this last deed in this place, no one should hear, except My disciples, you and a few other witnesses, for I do not want such things to be practiced here again.
Whoever will in future times still bring dead children or other dead people to this place will not only make futile efforts, but will moreover have to endure all kinds of other discomfort. However, if all kinds of sick people will be brought here for healing in the true faith in My name, they will receive their healing. With this, you know now what you have to do and what you have to comply with.
Go tonight, under the escort of one or the other Essene to the crypt and open the closed coffins, then your children will immediately follow you, alive and completely healthy. But leave tomorrow early in the morning quickly, so that you will not make a sensation during the day with the many people who are now staying here in this place.
When you will encounter people with dead children on your way home who will ask you how things are over here, then tell them openly what I have told you regarding the awakening of dead children, which will in future times not happen anymore, then they will not make any further and futile trip to this place.
Also, do not visit any temples for idols at home anymore, and when they will call you to account, then tell them that you have sought now the one, only true and living God and have also found Him, who has faithfully, openly, clearly and lively shown to you what you should do. If they will leave you alone after that, then stay, but if they will force you, then travel further, for the One who is helping you here, can also help you always and everywhere if you will believe in His name and trust in Him completely. If you have understood this, then you can leave this inn now again."
On this, the speaker who gave me thanks in his heart for everything, said: "O Lord and Master, since we have already found so much mercy with You, we would like to express for this our gratitude with deeds according to our strength. Tell us mercifully what kind of offerings, out of great love for You, we have to give You and accomplish here."
I said: "You do not have to give Me and also not the Essenes any offering except that you from now on will believe in the one true God and love Him with all your might, and your poor fellowman as yourself, and that you will protect your heart against selfishness, against stinginess and envy, against love for the world and against pride, because everything which is great and glittering in the eyes, ears and hearts of the world is - listen well - an abomination to Me.
Take an example on Me. I alone am the Lord and Master, and Heaven and Earth lie in My power and authority, and nevertheless I am meek with all My heart, full of humility, patience, love and mercy, and do not allow to be honored by anyone like the Pharisees, the pagan priests or other imagined great of the world, as they are demanding that.
So bring Me those kinds of offerings, then you will be able to rejoice continuously in My love and mercy. And whatever you will do in love for the poor in My name, will always be considered by Me as if you have done it for Myself, and by that you will gather for yourselves great treasures in My Heavens. These are the offerings that I ask from you."
The speaker said: "O Lord and Master, we will always bring You these kinds of offerings, and we will comply conscientiously with everything. Must we leave the iron coffins here or must we take them with us?"
I said: "That was a foolish question. If you have received your living children back, then for what do you need those coffins? If you were to meet some people and they would see the empty coffins, they would be the first to betray what you have received here, and this is now exactly what I explicitly have dissuaded you to do. Therefore, it is obvious what should be done with the useless coffins. The Essene brothers will forge them in their smithies into plowshares and spades and use them for better purposes. Now you know everything what you should do, and so you can leave this inn being fully comforted."
Then once more they all thanked Me loudly and left.
And in the evening, when most of the people were already staying in the inns, I sent an Essene to the crypt where the 30 were already waiting, together with another few who also brought their dead children to Essaea. The 30 thought however that I would not appreciate it. But the Essene had secretly received the instruction from Me to open all coffins but at the same time to tell everyone what I had said to the 30. And so all the dead children were awakened to life again.
The fact that this deed caused more than a great sensation with those who were involved is obvious and does not need to be described. All these fathers and also a few mothers thanked Me in their heart and took something to strengthen them in an inn which was located about half an hour of walking outside of the place along the way to Egypt, so that they would not make a sensation in the place itself, and they traveled early in the morning back home again.
The children who were awakened back to life again were asked all kinds of things by their parents, what they had experienced in the world of spirits and if they could remember something about it. But the children said that every memory was taken away from them, and so they could not give an explanation to those who were asking questions. Thus the children were not bothered anymore with further questioning. So this deed of wonder was accomplished very quietly, and almost no one of those who were still staying in that place was aware about it.
