God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 8

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord and His adversaries

- Chapter 71 -

The first 2 periods of development of the Earth.

When the Earth in its beginning was only that much developed that above its waters only a few bigger and smaller islands were beginning to rise up, which were covered with the mud of the sea, I soon, from My wisdom and My will, placed all kinds of seeds of plants in the fertile mud. And look, then such islands became then also soon overgrown, first with all kinds of rare grass, herbs, and with small and later also extremely big trees.
When those islands were overgrown, I then put also eggs or seeds in it for the formation of an animal world that was suitable for the Earth in that condition, which first only existed of all kinds of little and later bigger worms, then of insects and finally, when the dried soil contained already food in abundance, also of gigantic animals. Their task was to feed themselves with the still very coarse herbs and branches of the trees, and to fertilize the soil more and more with their manure, and finally also with their deceased gigantic bodies, of which the bones are still remnants that can be found in the deep holes and shafts of the Earth.
From the decay of such animals developed, according to My will, again a large number of new animals in the form of smaller and bigger worms and from that, again in the form of all kinds of insects.
Let us call this now a separate period of development of the Earth. But it is of course obvious that before that, the earthly body underwent already numberless times all kinds of changes, because this condition could never be possible without those processes. But all such events are as little your concern as for instance those of a grain of wheat that has been put into the soil until the moment when finally a very useful, completely ripe and blessed fruit will come out of the seed. In short, now I have shown you the Earth in its 1st period of fertilization and blossom in which all kinds of seeds for herbs and trees were put in the upper layer of its soil, and eggs for all kinds of animals. And for all that, the foundation was laid in the water already a long time ago, because certain and very diverse water plants and water animals are in every respect clearly a lot older than the animals of the continent and the animals of the sky.
Through My words you have now seen the first formation of a fertile soil, and by that you had to imagine that for better animals - and even less for human beings - there was no possibility to exist on this early fertile soil. But this sour condition was nevertheless necessary, for without this condition, no second and more perfect one could follow, no more than when a riper and finally completely ripe fruit on a tree can never come out without the preceding meager sour bud.
But for the ripening of a fruit on a tree there are, after the formation of the meager sour bud, certainly still a number of stages of development needed, which of course only My eye can detect with precision - and this is also absolutely necessary for the ripening process of a celestial body.
Now we have seen the development of the Earth unto the stage of a meager sour bud. What is exactly happening with a tree in the early springtime when the meager sour bud swells up completely and becomes green and juicy? Look, it bursts open, urged from the inside, throws away its covering so to speak overboard into the sea of transition and dissolution, and deploys itself to a greater perfection, so that then, from its center, the leaves can unfold as necessary companions of the next blossom, leading to the development of the fruit. Even if a tree, as already observed, is only a meager comparison for the development of a celestial body, it still can give you a good image from which you, in a very simplified form, can deduce how much is needed before a celestial body becomes suitable to carry and to feed people of your kind.
This 1st period or the first stage of the still coarse and uncultivated manner to fertilize the Earth comes to an end after many thousands of years as they are now calculated on Earth, for at that time no specific seasons existed for this Earth, and those that existed already, lasted a little longer than those of now.
This 1st period which we have seen, perished by storms of fire from the interior of the Earth that were allowed or rather carefully determined, and after a great number of earthly years as we know them now, bigger parts of land raised up from the depths of the seas of the Earth, already provided with mountains and covered with an already very fertile mud.
From My wisdom and My will, more perfect seeds were put into this mud at the right time, and soon it looked already luxuriant on the bigger parts of land of the still young Earth.
Now, when there was again a great amount of food on those different bigger parts of land, in the wisest order I immediately provided for a greater number of already more developed, little and big consumers. Bigger animals inhabited the water between the parts of land, and the bigger parts of land had their big animals that ate the new plants, herbs and trees that grew on the bottom.
Grasses, plants, herbs, bushes and gigantic trees still produced the seed and could reproduce, but the greatest part grew still out of the fertile soil of the parts of land, just like the mushrooms. The animals came into being in nearly the same way as the to you well-known crocodiles of the river the Nile in Egypt, more precisely from eggs. They were able to live in the air as well as in the water and could also feed themselves with water plants and the plants on the parts of land where it still was by far not dry enough.
In this progressing period of development of the Earth that was in a certain way important for the fruit bearing plant life and animal life, it could not look pleasantly dry, just as little as with the more and more unfolding buds of the tree, for if they would be dry, then this would not be good for the blossom and the following fruit."
