God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 9

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord in Cana

- Chapter 103 -

The way mankind has to go to reach the goal.

Then they all thanked Me again for this lesson.
The innkeeper said: "O Lord and Master, Your words have made a deep and thus lasting impression on me, which clearly radiates through my inner being. O, what immense depth of Your love and wisdom lies in this. About the wonderful relations between God and the created beings, it is only the Spirit of God that can give such most clear and precious explanation to men, who are also His created beings. And from this we can see why God has revealed His will to men and why they have to make it as it were their possession through their actions.
O world, o world, where are you with your so highly praised wisdom. O Lord and Master, would it not be possible for You to lay such light in the mind of men? If all would realize this in themselves, a lot of them would finally stop sinning."
I said: "You surely mean it well with people, but still it would be a completely useless effort. I only have to force the will of men - his will that must be free, because otherwise man would be no man anymore - but if I would do that, man would be already judged and would never be able to raise himself to an independent freedom of life.
And to only enlighten the mind of men, the good cause would even be less served than when they would be taught from the outside by a fellowman who became wise and strong with the help of My teaching. But when already now so many people are not believing in Me while I in their presence am not only teaching them but also performing signs which were never done by anyone else before Me, they would trust even less their own mind, with which they cannot perform any signs alone, because their heart and will would not come so easily and fast as you think in complete harmony with what they realize that it is true and good. For even when man with his reason realizes very clearly all the things that are good and true, while his heart is still full of all kinds of worldly things, then it still will cost him a lot of hard struggle with his own world before this will be removed from the heart and its will, so that man would only love and will what he has discerned that it is true and good.
Only when the love, the will and the mind, which is filled with all truth, have become one in all actions, has man also entered in the rebirth of the Spirit from God in his soul and has stepped into the first degree of God's power in himself, and in that condition he can already perform signs.
But someone who is often too much filled with the world cannot come so fast and easy to that condition. And the reason for that I have already shown you. But without the attainment of that condition all pure intellectual knowledge is for man only like any other knowledge. For the perfecting of the inner man it has only very little value and is often rather more harmful than useful. Generally it is better for man if he, tormented by all kinds of objections and doubts, must search for the truth of life, compared to when he would already possess it in his intellect as a sun that suddenly came up while by far he does not yet possess the power in his love and in his will to act accordingly. That is why, with man, his heart and intellect must be developed and be made stronger at the same time progressively, otherwise no man can really make any progress in understanding and act accordingly.
What would be the use for man his 2 manly strong arms, which are capable for every work, if his feet would be paralyzed with gout? And what would be the use to tighten 2 oxen to 1 cart in such a way that one would pull forward and the other pull backward? To 2 strong man's arms belong also 2 healthy and strong feet, and for a cart the draft animals must be tightened in front, otherwise there can and will be no progress in the work and the movement of the cart. Therefore, the manner in which I Myself am bringing the people now the active light of life is surely the best, and after Me you should not do it otherwise.
Have you, My friend, understood this lesson now as clearly as My former lesson with which light you immediately wanted to enlighten the mind of all men?"
The innkeeper said: "O yes, Lord and Master, here proves again the eternal true basic principle according to which a good and wise father knows better the life's necessities than his children, who are still totally inexperienced in a lot of things. Accept my thanks also for this very important lesson."
