God's New Bible

The Household of God
Volume 1

The early history of mankind

- Chapter 169 -


Having thus spoken to the three, the high Abedam bade them follow Him. He walked ahead and let Enoch and Lamech walk beside Him. Immediately behind Him followed the known Abedam with Jared on his right and Methuselah on his left. Behind these three there followed Enos, Kenan and Mahalaleel and only after them came Kaeam, Jura, Bhusin and Ohorion.
When they had reached Adam after only a few steps, they all sat down around Abedam, forming an open circle towards Adam, which was closed with Adam and Eve.
But as Seth was not in the circle, Abedam bade those surrounding Him to make room for Seth.
And they made room for him by the side of Adam; and now sixteen persons, including the high Abedam, took part in the morning meal which consisted in bread, honey and mille It was an old custom to take the bread and honey first, and only when that had been consumed did they drink new milk on top of it.
And so also on this occasion they breakfasted according to this custom.
But why is this Sabbath-breakfast especially mentioned? - The reason is obvious when one bears in mind that in this morning meal the supreme, holy Father Himself took part visibly among the first men on this earth, thus laying the foundation to the first regular church on earth. And as previously Adam and Eve could be regarded as the first human couple, this can now be regarded as the first establishment of Jehovah's church. For Judaism was closely and firmly attached to this church and in many ways still is. And in the center of Asia in a high mountainous region not far from the Himalayas, a small, quite secluded people is still living strictly according to the record which was later by the children of Noah engraved on stone plates in certain corresponding factual pictures of which the later Egyptian hieroglyphs are but an adulterated variation.
However, the so-called Sanskrit of the Parsees and Hindus must not be regarded as one and the same script; for this, too, is much younger and like the Egyptian hieroglyphs a poor variation full of great errors, wherefore their divine service based on it is an abominable paganism.
Behold, that is why this morning meal is here mentioned because it was at that time celebrated for the establishment of the original church as was after the completion of the great day of nations, which lasted for almost 4000 years, the last great Supper when a New Testament was established which is a new Church of grace and mercy, filled with everlasting life and thus filled through and with God.
But now enough of such historical explanations, so let us once more go into Adam's hut to see and hear what happened after the morning meal.
When the morning meal had been consumed and all had thanked Abedam Emmanuel Abba in their hearts overflowing with love, the Sublime One rose and addressed the following words to all:
"Listen, all who are present here and were witnesses of this night and, except for Kaeam, also most of the previous day! You shall always remember this and who He was, is and will forever be Who came to you and taught you Himself the right way of love and also the true, infinite wisdom out of it. Not wisdom of the world which oppresses the head and still more so the heart, but the true wisdom in the spirit of love and all truth out of it, which is the true, free, everlasting life.
"This meal you shall also henceforth celebrate before you intend to make a Sabbath offering to the Father; for truly I tell you: The offering shall not be received until you have at the morning meal recognized each other in your heart as true brothers and sisters in My love and also as children of one and the same Father.
"Whenever you will be celebrating this among you in the true, living love of your heart for Me, I shall be among you, too, - either visible to some whose hearts will be burning with love for Me, or always invisible to the more lukewarm.
"Yes, in My love you will be capable of everything, but without My love of nothing! For My love is a fertile, good field into which you have been planted. He who will not let the enemy pull him out will grow luxuriantly and produce an abundance of excellent fruit. But the one who will not have driven the roots of his life of love deeply and firmly enough into the ground of the mentioned field, will fare very badly at the time of repeated temptation when the enemy of love will come and endeavor to pull the little trees from the ground of the field. He will try every one of them; and where he finds a weak one, is it likely that he will spare it?
"Oh no, he will tear it from the ground of the good field together with the roots and then let it perish because the roots will no longer have the moisture of life and the little tree will wither and finally die altogether. For which of you have ever seen plants come into existence and thrive in the air alone?
"But every little plant needs also the air for its life!', you would say. I agree with you; but the soil is the most important thing and without it the air is useless.
"The air is actually like the divine Word and the love of your heart is the soil into which a living spirit enclosed by a living soul is planted.
This seed of eternal life within you can make fruitful use of the holy air of the divine teaching only when it has sprouted and struck strong and deep roots in the soil of your heart's love for Me. If that has not happened, tell Me and judge for yourselves: Will not that, namely, the air, which otherwise should have promoted its fruitful development, lead to its death?
"Behold, therefore My Word is not of much use to you unless your hearts are filled with love for Me and out of that for your brothers; for the bottomless, airy wisdom of your intellect is the death of your love.
"If your love that is meant to nourish the spirit is dead like the torn out little tree to whose roots there only still sticks some dried-out soil of your love for Me, where is your seed, or a still weak, torn-out little tree of life, then to get any nourishment from?
"Therefore, let this morning meal be a visible warning to you that you shall always stick to love. And as long as you do that, you will have life with and within you and thus also Me as the original source of all life and wisdom out of Me.
"Do engrave these words deeply in your hearts and be sure to act in accordance with them, and you will be alive through and through and not ask: 'Where is the Father?', nor will you call to Him: 'Come!', for He will be with and within you as now and forever. Amen.
"And you, Enoch, go now and prepare your sacrifice, for the time for it has come! Amen."
