God's New Bible

The Household of God
Volume 2

Rise and spiritual prime of the first world empire Hanoch

- Chapter 169 -


And they all rushed to Him, not only the four, but all who were then on the height, and embraced Abba, weeping tears of joy and love; all praised, glorified and honoured Him in their hearts.
And He blessed them all and finally said to them: "Little children, you all have now seen the true Father and beheld God in Me; since I came to you with love, you embraced Me with love. From now on believe firmly in your hearts that I alone am the true, good, holy Father and the sole Lord of heaven and earth, the God of all might, strength and power, the Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of all things and the sole Eternal Life itself in its perfection, because eternal and infinite Love and Wisdom in person!
"Believe this firmly in your hearts and actively feel that eternal life is fully within you by virtue of My love and you will be always blissful here and beyond in the eternal abode of My love and wisdom. Here you will be blissful because you will no longer see and suffer death, and beyond through the ever-increasing inner unfoldment of the endless abundance of the wonders of My life within you spiritually.
"I have now blessed you as your true Father; you, too, bless Me in your hearts through the most faithful, constant love, and you will prove by the spirit pervading your works that you believe Me to be the alone good Father, Who has loved you for eternities long before a sun was burning in the firmament.
"Whoever honours Me with the hand, his hand shall be blessed for any work; who honours Me with the feet, shall find no stones on his way; who honours Me with the body, shall have a blessed body and no pain shall ever touch a fibre of his flesh; who honours Me with the mouth, his mouth shall be blessed so that all the nations shall praise him; who honours Me with the eyes shall never see death; who honours Me with the ears, his ear no evil voice shall ever penetrate, but harmonious sounds shall delight it; who honours Me with his whole head including its marrow, him I will bless with great wisdom; but he who honours Me in his heart as the alone good Father, he it is who honours Me with his whole life, since he honours Me with his love, which represents his whole life; and who honours Me with his whole life, shall also be fully blessed with the eternal life out of Me, the holy, most loving, good Father!
"Therefore, honour Me at all times with the heart all of you, and eternal life will be within you because your hearts are filled with that which is of life eternal, namely, My holy, almighty love.
"I can be blessed neither with the hand, nor with the feet, nor with the body, nor with the mouth, nor with the eyes nor the ears, but only with a pure heart filled by My holy love.
"However, he who blesses Me with such a heart, also blesses Me with the hands, feet, the mouth, the eyes, the ears and with the whole head and the body, even with all his strength, wherefore I will fully bless the whole man for eternal life.
The one who wants to bless Me partly, also I, as I said, shall bless only partly.
"So remain alone with love, and you will always receive My blessings in abundance; however, if you do not remain with love alone, My blessings will be like your love.
"Verily, I tell you, My little children: I, your Father, need no offerings and no socalled service honouring Me especially; for I am almighty enough to perform any service eternally, just as I have performed it from eternity without your offerings and your divine service.
"If you want to serve Me, serve each other in My fatherly love, and you will be true servants of God.
"Whoever wants to sacrifice, let him sacrifice in his heart. My fatherly love in his heart he shall offer up to Me as a sacrifice; I shall always look at such a sacrifice with pleasure.
"Now you know everything vividly within you; observe it at all times and do accordingly, and eternal life in its fullness will gush forth like a river from your loins there to destroy death's abode forever, ever, ever! Amen.
"Enoch is My mouth with you; listen to him, and his word will either bless or judge you according to the state of your hearts! Amen, amen, amen."
Here Abba again became invisible and disappeared before the weeping eyes of the children for the last time, that is, during Adam's life-time, and was generally no longer seen until the great Time of times in the flesh as the Son of Man.
