God's New Bible

The Healing Power of Sunlight

- Chapter 5 -

Third method of absorbing the rays of the sun

Seek to obtain a salt from which all mineral components, especially arsenic, have been eliminated. The best would be an absolutely pure sulfuric salt or a pure sea salt which would have to be thoroughly calcined until it no longer emits any visible vapor. Then it should be carefully pulverized.
This salt, just as in the two previous methods the sugar, would have to be exposed to the rays of the sun for 2 or 3 months and also in a type of vessel as earlier described, preferably of a dark violet color.
When the salt is exposed to the sun it is of importance that, several times during the day, it is stirred up well with a glass stick, specially made for this purpose. This stirring up or mixing is necessary because the finely pulverized salt would be lying approximately 4 mm. high in the vessel in which it is exposed to the sun. So that all the salt particles at the bottom are exposed to the rays of the sun, the stirring must be done in such a way that not too many furrows or little heaps are formed. If this cannot be avoided, they must be leveled so that the sunrays can work evenly on the whole surface.
After such salt types have been sufficiently impregnated by the rays of the sun during the prescribed time, just as the sugar in the first and second method, they have to be protected from the effects of the atmospheric air in the driest place of the house, in dry boxes.
When one wants to use it in case of some illness, special little spoons have to be made for this purpose, either of pure gold or pure silver, for taking out the needed quantity of salt. The tiny scoop must have a capacity no bigger than a lentil would fill, and this quantity is quite sufficient for adults. Children under 14 years shall be given only half of this quantity and children under 6 only a quarter. For this salt, especially the pure sulfur salt, has an extremely strong effect and acts particularly upon the bone structure, as well as on the teeth and hair, and is, therefore, to be used above all in cases of bone fractures. If someone has broken a leg and the fracture is properly set and put in splints, it will be healed completely a few days after the salt has been taken.
If it is a complicated fracture and the flesh and muscles of the leg are injured, such injury can also be treated externally, either with compresses of sunned water or with the well-known greenish arnica ointment, but 1 to 2 doses of the described salt must always be added to the water and to the ointment.
However, for internal use, at the most 1-1/2 doses of this salt may be used even with the most robust person and it may be taken only once, for if it were taken more often, it would soon bring death instead of healing. Since it acts mainly on the bone structure, it would promote the ossification (bone growth) to such an extent that a person could soon become ossified in all his parts.
When properly used, it gives the whole body a proper current and gradually brings about a complete change in the body, so that after a year, nothing is left of the body the soul has been carrying around laboriously a year ago. Even teeth that people have lost are replaced, but the older teeth may become longer. Therefore, the doses must not be exceeded, as otherwise there may be trouble with a person's teeth.
This shows the special effect of this salt. Properly used it heals, just as the earlier mentioned remedies, every physical disease, but great care must be taken. With the earlier shown methods, no particular damage can be done if the patient, considering his nature and the disease, is administered a somewhat larger dose or, if necessary, repeated in a few days. But with this salt there must never be a repeat, except after 10 years, and the dose must never exceed the prescribed measure.
The diet must be observed quite as carefully as with the earlier described methods. But the patient must abstain from sour drinks or foods for at least 14 days longer than with the other methods. This salt contains exceedingly intensive soul specifics, which are more or less also contained in every other acid, and it would initially attract the homogeneous soul specifics from all the other acids that enter the stomach and body, increasing them excessively, and the effect would be the same as if one already taken a double or triple dose in the beginning.
Furthermore, this salt has the effect, that if put on the tongue of a person near death, provided his organism is not yet too badly ruined, he can either recover completely or at least prolong his life span.
As to the question of which type of sulfate should be used, the answer is this: I know better than all the chemists and pharmacists that a variety of preparations are produced and many more than are so far known can be produced and called "sulfuric salts", since sulfur - partly a mineral, partly a fat, originating from the inner bowels of the earth - contains as many types of salt as it does various mineral parts.
However, all this I do not call the general sulfur; what I describe as "salt" is the acid in the sulfur. And the acid, as it is known to you, is made of two kinds, namely the familiar smoking brown kind and the refined one free from water.
This latter kind shall be treated, so that it crystallizes and the crystals have then to be freed from all moisture content by some suitable method.
After having been dried as far as possible, the crystals are then put in a clean porcelain vessel and ground to powder with a pestle. While grinding, a quantity of as much as possible arsenicfree blossoms of sulfur - to one teaspoonful of the salt a quarter of that - is added and well mixed into the other powder. This mixture is then the sulfate to be used as described above for the required purpose.
In this way, a pharmacist or chemist - if he will take the trouble - can prepare the needed sulfate, but it will not be easy, because the crystals won from the pure sulfuric acid are difficult to dry. Here time will be helpful to achieve this if the sulfuric acid is allowed to crystallize until the crystals have become quite solid.
A slightly easier, but just not as quick method to prepare crystals from such an acid could also be the following: Take a glass cup with an even base (it is better if it is made of dark glass than light glass). Place this cup in the sun--or on quite hot sand in winter, which is, however, not as good--and pour at once as much of this acid into it as is needed for the acid to cover the base one drop deep, thus not exceeding a quarter line.
Then keep this acid exposed to the sunrays, and the light of the sun and its warmth will lift the watery moisture from the acid, and the base of the glass will then be visibly coated with a very thin crust. This crust then is already just crystallized pure sulfuric acid. Again pour more acid over this crust and let it evaporate in the manner mentioned above.
If somebody prepares this compound in winter, he should not choose a living room or an ordinary food kitchen for it, but he has to have a separate little laboratory for this purpose because the water vapors separating from the acid would have a harmful influence on every human chest.
Otherwise, proceed as in the case of evaporation by means of the sun which--as already mentioned--is by far the most preferable one because in this case, the crystals are already saturated by the sunrays in advance and later, in the second saturation, become so much stronger.
There are still several other methods of causing such concentrated pure sulfuric acid to crystallize.
It is not as difficult to produce the crystal as it is to produce completely arsenic-free flowers of sulfur.
For producing these crystals the pure white concentrated English sulfuric acid is preferable, as its preparation is purest in England.
But the required sulfur salt in a very useable form could also be obtained in a different way; however, as too many quite expensive devices and a minimum time of one to two years would be required for its extraction, I refrain from describing such an extraction of the very useable sulfur salt to you in detail; but I will give you later, on occasion, through the servant, a specific description of it, together with the necessary drawing of the devices.
With this, the third method has been completely disclosed and its application has been shown to you.
But note well, common table salt as well as alkali, either from salt or from different plants, are not at all suitable for this preparation, because the first one, namely the table salt, contains too many coarse mineral parts in it and is not even free of arsenic, and the alkali acts in a too dissolving and occasionally too destructive way. Therefore only the salts shown are suitable for this preparation.
And with this, for today you have been given a sufficient explanation about this point regarding the knowledge you wanted.
But before we continue with a fourth method, I will add a little bit about the third method that is specifically about the preparation containers which could also be used for the first and second methods in case of emergency. And what I have to tell you about them is the following:
In case it is difficult or impossible for you to obtain any one of the described containers (that is, in this year of 1851), you could instead have one fabricated for you--but nevertheless of the same color, if possible--one made of so-called papier-mâché similar to the so-called tobacco boxes. But the mass should be quite thick, thoroughly baked and lacquer-coated.
If the lacquerer is not able to achieve the dark purple color even here--I am talking about such manufacturers in this town (Graz); in Vienna, Bohemia, Paris and London this would be easily achievable--then the black color would also do.
But the black color is of a nature that it is not very selective in absorbing; it takes up everything that it can get, lock, stock and barrel. Therefore I advise you, with regard to the black containers, not to allow sunrays to fall directly on the absorption medicaments contained below, but through a slightly bluish, but otherwise very pure glass which has to be very well fitted to the container.
With the sugar preparations, you would do best to slightly affix the glass mentioned above to the edge of the container by means of dissolved rubber; this way, overnight or on days when the sun does not shine, you only have to cover the container prepared like this with its contents of medicament with a fitting piece of fabric and to set it in a dry place. But for the salts, a special lid should be manufactured which exactly fits the container to begin with; but in place of the top of the lid a glass plate as described above should be cemented on that seals it hermetically. For with the salts, as you know, frequent stirring has to occur. If the container is furnished with such a lid that one can remove easily, such stirring can easily be accomplished. But the container for the preparation of the salts would have to be lacquered twice as well and strongly as for the preparation of the sugar medicaments.
Now having said this in advance, we can directly proceed to the fourth method without hindrance.
