God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 24 -

Holidays and feast days. Decease of equatorial inhabitants

Do sun people also keep the Sabbath or other holidays?
Oh, how could this be possible upon the sun, since there are neither pre-determined days or nights? Wherefore there is a different type of order upon the sun from that of the planets.
There is nevertheless upon the sun a certain time dedicated to respite from the ordinary business of the day. When does this take place?
You are aware of the entire sun rotating around its axis every 29 days. You also know that the sun people are well able to see the stellar sky above them, especially the stars you chart as those of magnitude one, two and three, which appear to the sun people nearly the size of your sun, which applies indeed to magnitudes one and two, but only less by half of which applies indeed to magnitudes one and two, but only less by half for that of magnitude three. On occasions of exceptional atmospheric clarity, they can also detect stars of magnitude four and five, but that is the limit of their sight-range for this belt.
Upon the initial appearance of the fixed star that you call Sirius, which is the biggest and brightest however, a holiday ensues until it reaches the Zenith, for which they allow something over seven days by your measure.
During this time all alternate pendulums are put on hold; only the main pendulum of the second or Great Temple must never stop. During this time there is neither work nor instruction, as every housefather stays home with his family. During this time, no foot must be set beyond the pillar-line of the house, other than the stated emergency of a natural threat, which however rarely develops within the first half period of the above mentioned star's appearance, but easily within the second half of the same duration. (It speaks for itself that this is not always in the same region but conditionally and dependant upon God's order, will and wisdom.)
How do people in their dwellings pass their time during this period? They make certain private resolutions that they then most punctually keep during this period.
Such resolutions usually consist of all sorts of exercises in self-denial, roughly resembling your true fasting. This however is not the same in every house but depends on some newly discovered family weakness within a house.
If a family is talkative, then fasting is applied to all talking within a house; no person allowing a syllable to escape their lips but turning to inward contemplation. Note Well! Such fasting would be highly recommended upon Earth too, especially in houses where there is useless blubber from early morning till late at night and where slandering of neighbours is rampant as well as other similar abominations.
Furthermore, where too much is made of eating in a solar household, as little as possible is eaten during this periods in order to curb this weakness.
If a household is quarrelsome or opinionated and stuck on their personal views; during this period all such predilection must cease, especially for those more prone to this vice. Since during this period all children come home from their schools, the number of house occupants swell and any quarrelling amongst them shall benefit from speech fasting.
Wherefore fasting is differently apportioned in every house, depending on which spiritual weakness predominates.
Once the star has reached its Zenith, all house doors are opened again and everyone rushes out to the three temples to give due thanks for the fortification attained during this stretch. To Whom? This you are bound to discern.
At the completion of thanksgiving and mutual blessings, and following the High Priest's blessing, all betake themselves home quickly to start their usual daily tasks.
So much for the solar regions' sacraments. Regarding spiritual sacraments, these are continuous, because solar man's entire life revolves around the constant and precise recognition and keeping of God's Will and this is indeed the predominantly spiritual part of every divine service. The most spiritual aspect consists of men conversing about My Incarnation as they attempt to come ever closer to its great love-work. Therewith we have the most spiritual aspect of solar men's sacraments.
Curiously to you, is that on the sun men's physical decease also is drawn into religious sacraments. Why? Because dying, in particular upon this belt takes on a most spiritual aspect.
You will ask: "What does this consist of?" Just a little patience and you shall shortly find out.
People never contract illnesses. When their spirit has gained the proper maturity however it spontaneously bursts forth from its shell through the fiery eruption of its being, progressing to a higher world of which we shall hear later.
We have already received some hints of this at the start but shall discuss it imminently in much more detail.
Behold, since people in the sun disappear suddenly upon their decease, so-to-say, such vanishing is celebrated by solar man with deepest spiritual devotion and praise is rendered to the Lord for yet again liberating a brother from earthly fetters and leading him back to the primordial kingdom of all light and life!
Wherefore this spiritual part of religious doctrine is also called the final song of praise as none follow it after a person's decease in this manner.
Not that a deceased person is erased from the memories of the living, particularly because upon the sun, the subject of history is taken far more seriously than upon any planet and especially the Earth where, in world history, only those persons feature who had their heads crowned or who had killed the largest number of their brethren! That's not the way history is treated upon the sun, every inhabitant being recorded in the temples and that in accordance with his character and life-style and how he witnessed one or the other natural occurrence. The products of his will are also recorded and that in the private houses. Wherefore private house decorations are not there willy-nilly, but as a significant letter in the history book of one or other person who occupied the house.
Neither is a deceased person in the sun commemorated as upon Earth such as with expensive funerals followed by almost eternal funeral masses, but rather commemoration consists of repeated consideration of what he acted out through My grace in him. This is incomparably better than all paid commemoration exercises. For I, Who alone can help, need no money. He who would be paid however in order to coerce Me into help through vain sacraments, strays mightily. For verily, I say unto you: "a croaking frog shall sooner move Me to grace than a paid prayer." You can take it from Me that the topmost abomination for a man to commit is to let himself be paid by his brethren for advertised power-prayers. When a fly buzzes or a mill clatters or a frog croaks in a puddle, verily this is pleasing to Me; but a paid prayer is repulsive spittle, pus or pestilential stench. I need say no more!
From this you will gather the benefits of all ostentatious funerals, and services for souls following on their heels. I need say no more than refer you to the Gospel. Read what reward I promised the Jewish priesthood for long, lying and paid intercessory prayers on behalf of poor widows and orphans. If you read these passages thoughtfully, then you will gather what there is to every funeral ritual, particularly Roman Catholic.
Enough said however! Let us return to our sun and examine a house or two where either the father or the mother has received the Requiem Mass. Because in the sun there is no childhood death, everyone having to attain to complete maturity in line with the greatest order, especially upon this belt.
What happens to a surviving partner? All domestic responsibilities are at once assigned to the oldest son and for the purpose of fully maturing spiritually, he remains in the house as teacher and adviser in godly things.
The widower or widow nevertheless then has frequent meetings with the departed. This spirit appearance however, is seen by none besides the one with whom he stands in everlasting conjugal union.
For this reason no one in the sun marries a second time but only once, wishing throughout his life no more than everlasting inseparability from the object of his heart.
This constitutes what is most notable about this central solar equator. Wherefore we shall now bring this to conclusion and move to its neighbouring, but somewhat smaller belt.
It has to be kept in mind however that there are seven equatorial belts on each side of the main one that are homogenous to one another. When examining an equator therefore and there is discussion of a belt, two are always to be understood thereby, because one belt is south of the main equator, and with little variation resembles its corresponding northern belt. 31: But we shall hear next time what the next, smaller belt and its corresponding belt can offer us. Hence we shall leave it for today.
