God's New Bible

Sunsets Into Sunrises

Bishop Martin - The Progress of a Soul in the Beyond

- Chapter 101 -


(He has scarcely finished, when Chanchah taps him on the shoulder, saying): "Well, you servant of Lama! How long will you let poor Chanchah wait for a straightforward answer, which is more important to her heart than a thousand lives to her soul?
Oh, friend, if I had a thousand hearts and were the most beautiful being under the sun - all those hearts would be yours, and my glorious eyes would keep gazing at you forever, if you give me a true answer. I have only one heart, but it shall love you like a thousand hearts if you prove to be a true friend and either describe the great Lama to me in words, or even show Him to me. But woe betide you if vou deceive my heart which wants to love you so much!
It is true I love your most glorious brother with an ardor inconceivable to you. But if you can and will be a true friend, all this ardor will be bestowed upon you. You may depend on my word, which is firmer than rocks of diamond !"
Martin is quite confused by these words. He stares at the inconceivably beautiful Chinese, desperately thinking of what to say or do. Only after quite a while has passed does he address her.
(Bishop Martin): "Oh, you sweet and most beautiful Chanchah, your beauty confuses me so much that when I look at you, stunned by amazement and love, I cannot find anything to say that would make sense. Therefore, do not expect to make much sense out of me until my eyes have become used to you.
It is very well for you to talk and even threaten, for the sight of me would not confuse you. But, peculiar as it may seem, my tongue is so affected by your great beauty that it has become quite lame. Do have some patience with me. Matters will surely improve as I get more used to your beauty."
(Says Chanchah): "If that is so, tell me, how was it possible for you to talk to me quite sensibly before, and how is it possible for you to invent a reason why you cannot speak to me now about the thing I want to know?
He whose tongue is tied by love, speaks like one intoxicated, stutters, and his words do not make sense. For an embarrassed tongue has no roots to draw incitement from the fountain of wisdom. But the roots of your tongue are full of active moisture. Therefore, justify yourself to my heart like a man and not like a knave. My words to you are as true as my innermost life. How then can you speak to me only out of your skin and not out of your heart?"
Bishop Martin is getting more and more embarrassed and cannot think of a single word in his defense. He now actually begins to stutter words and syllables which do not make any sense at all. First Chanchah seems astonished, then she begins to grin indulgently and, after a while, when Martin's stammering is getting too much for her, she says:
(Chanchah): "Friend, I am sorry for you. For either you are a sly fox or a silly ass - one thing worse than the other. I would rather think that the latter fits you, which would excuse your outrageous statement that you, too, are a servant of the great Lama. Really, if Lama used such servants, He and His servants would be most deplorable!
I did hear some wise words from you earlier, and really believed you were something higher. Your ostentatious headgear and the fact that you called that truly wise man your brother, seemed to prove it. But now I have no more doubts about you. You are, so to speak, a kind ass vegetating here in heaven because on earth you were too stupid to ever commit a sin. And so you are probably a harmless, good-natured soul of an ass which, too, must be respected as one of Lama's creatures. But one cannot expect of you any more than Lama has bestowed upon your nature. Therefore, forgive me, my poor silly ass, for having expected of you human and even heavenly wisdom."
Bishop Martin is furious and would love to shout the Chinese down. However, since this has saved him from the embarrassment of her question, he silently swallows her "compliments" and meekly walks away, while Chanchah watches him.
