God's New Bible

Strong's Concor­dance


Original: דּויד דּוד
Transliteration: david daviyd (dâvid dâvı̂yd)
Phonetic: daw-veed'
BDB Definition: David = " beloved"
  1. youngest son of Jesse and second king of Israel
Origin: from the same as H1730
TWOT entry: 410c
Part(s) of speech: Proper Name Masculine
Strong's Definition: From the same as H1730; loving ; David, the youngest son of Jesse: - David.
Occurrences in the (KJV) King James Version:
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But the king spared Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of the Lord’s oath that was between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul.
And it was told David what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul, had done.
And David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabesh–gilead, which had stolen them from the street of Beth–shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa:
Moreover the Philistines had yet war again with Israel; and David went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines: and David waxed faint.
And Ishbi–benob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.(g) (h)
But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured him, and smote the Philistine, and killed him. Then the men of David sware unto him, saying, Thou shalt go no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel.(i)
And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea the brother of David slew him.(n) (o)
These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.
And David spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul:
He is the tower of salvation for his king: and sheweth mercy to his anointed, unto David, and to his seed for evermore.
Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,
These be the names of the mighty men whom David had: The Tachmonite that sat in the seat, chief among the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite: he lift up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time.(c) (d) (e)
And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines that were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away:
And three of the thirty chief went down, and came to David in the harvest time unto the cave of Adullam: and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley of Rephaim.(g)
And David was then in an hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Beth–lehem.
And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Beth–lehem, which is by the gate!
And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Beth–lehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the Lord .
He was more honourable than the thirty, but he attained not to the first three. And David set him over his guard.(l) (m)
And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.
And David’s heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto the Lord , I have sinned greatly in that I have done: and now, I beseech thee, O Lord , take away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly.
For when David was up in the morning, the word of the Lord came unto the prophet Gad, David’s seer, saying,
Go and say unto David, Thus saith the Lord , I offer thee three things; choose thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee.
So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days’ pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.
And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the Lord ; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man.(d)
And David spake unto the Lord when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father’s house.
And Gad came that day to David, and said unto him, Go up, rear an altar unto the Lord in the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite.(f)
And David, according to the saying of Gad, went up as the Lord commanded.
And Araunah said, Wherefore is my lord the king come to his servant? And David said, To buy the threshingfloor of thee, to build an altar unto the Lord , that the plague may be stayed from the people.
And Araunah said unto David, Let my lord the king take and offer up what seemeth good unto him: behold, here be oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instruments and other instruments of the oxen for wood.
And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
And David built there an altar unto the Lord , and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So the Lord was intreated for the land, and the plague was stayed from Israel.
Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat.(a)
But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.

Brown-Driver-Brigg's Information

All of the original Hebrew and Aramaic words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. In some cases more than one form of the word — such as the masculine and feminine forms of a noun — may be listed.

Each entry is a Hebrew word, unless it is designated as Aramaic. Immediately after each word is given its equivalent in English letters, according to a system of transliteration. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT), by R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke. This section makes an association between the unique number used by TWOT with the Strong's number.

Thayers Information

All of the original Greek words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The Strong's numbering system arranges most Greek words by their alphabetical order. This renders reference easy without recourse to the Greek characters. In some cases more than one form of the word - such as the masculine, feminine, and neuter forms of a noun - may be listed.

Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in English letters, according to the system of transliteration laid down in the scheme here following. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Thayer's Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in the ten-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), edited by Gerhard Kittel. Both volume and page numbers cite where the word may be found.

The presence of an asterisk indicates that the corresponding entry in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament may appear in a different form than that displayed in Thayers' Greek Definitions.

Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries Information

Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890.

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