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Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions, Thayer's Greek Definitions and Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries Combined
Enhanced with Tense, Voice & Mood, plus AV Usage
Copyright 2011, Timothy S. Morton (www.BibleAnalyzer.com)
All Rights Reserved
The original Strong Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries are in the public domain. This greatly enhanced and expanded edition includes the Authorized Version usage of each Hebrew/Greek word and is protected by a derivative copyright to ensure its free and open distribution. Thus permission is granted by the copyright holder to allow this text to be used under the following conditions:
- This text, including any additions or improvements that may be made to the text, must be distributed free of charge.
- If this text is in any way encrypted or placed in a proprietary format, it must also be provided separately, with any additions or improvements, in an open format, by the same party (by download is sufficient)
- The text can be bundled with items that are sold (CD-Rom, etc.) on the condition it is freely offered separately, with any additions or improvements, by the same party, in an open format (by download is sufficient)
- This copyright notice must be included with all distributions.
In essence, this license states the user can use this text in any way they see fit as long as they freely provide the text, with any additions and/or improvements, in an open and easily accessible format (txt, SQLite, or any other readily accessible format), and include this copyright notice with every distribution in any form. If the user cannot abide by these terms, then no license is granted.
There is no warranty expressed or implied in regard to this text.
Signs Employed
x (multiplication) denotes a rendering in the Authorized Version that results from an idiom peculiar to the Hebrew/Greek.
º (degree), appended to a Hebrew word, denotes a vowel-pointing corrected from that of the text. (This mark is set in Hebrew Bibles over syllables in which the vowels of the margin have been inserted instead of those properly belonging to the text.)
( ) (parenthesis), in the renderings from the Authorized Version, denotes a word or syllable sometimes given in connection with the principal word to which it is annexed.
[ ] (bracket), in the rendering from the Authorized Version, denotes the inclusion of an additional word in the Hebrew/Greek.
Italics, at the end of a rendering from the Authorized Version, denote an explanation of the variations from the usual form.
(The BDB and Thayer's Dictionaries' numbered entries are reformatted as HTML numbered lists by the MySword Team.)