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 Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 7:04 PM UTC by Christian

A Two-Month Warning to the People of the United States of America

A Two-Month Warning to the People of the United States of America

Message from St Michael The Archangel to Ned Dougherty in Hampton Bays, New York, USA on September 1, 2024

I come to you today as Michael the Archangel, Defender of the Sovereignty of the United States of America with a warning of imminent peril to the nationality and continued sovereignty of your nation.
In two months, you will be going to the voting polls to hopefully elect a President of the United States of America who is the candidate chosen by your citizens as it was intended under the Constitution of these United States. In addition, you will be electing other officials who are also hopefully democratically elected by the people themselves and not by the dark cabal of sinister and luciferian minions who are currently in control of your nation.
In fact, in the past several years, your nation has not existed as a free republic as envisioned by your founders. Your current president is a fraud and the product of a rigged election by the luciferian mob that now controls your country.
In fact, you are being governed by a ‘committee’ of unelected and publicly unknown figures who are hellbent on destroying the sovereignty of the United States of America and replacing it with a communist regime – a ‘committee’ that is already in place. Many of your so-called elected officials are in reality only puppets of this regime – of this ‘committee’.
Many of you have been aware and are aware that communists, Marxists, and socialists have been infiltrating your country for decades in a globalist plan to institute a new world order of draconian controls. As many of you are aware, these dark and sinister individuals are traitors to the cause of the American people. However, there are also many of you who are brainwashed by these luciferian characters and oblivious to those who are in control.
Yet, these brainwashed people will cling to their political party affiliations of the past blissfully unaware that they are being deceived into accepting a Marxist communist government to rule over you in the future and to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States of America. Worse yet, many of your fellow citizens are not opposed to Marxism, communism, or socialism.
Wake Up, America! You are in your final days as a nation, if you do not resist and defend against the communist takeover of your country!
Understand that you are now in the Final Days of the End Times in which you may still control your destiny over future events, but your time is running out. In fact, you are no longer a free and sovereign nation since the luciferian committee of communists has already taken control of your nation. You must fight now to gain your nation back.
You have two months to convince your brainwashed family members and friends to see the error of their ways. You may hear many say that this is the most important election in the history of your nation – and it is! If the dark side wins by majority vote or by theft, it means the end of the United States of America, as you have been warned by many of the Messages from Heaven.
Recognize that you are in the final battle of the End Times… of Good versus Evil! Although you may clearly recognize that you can tell the difference between good versus evil, the choice may not be so easy for others who are either brainwashed or incapable of critical thinking. They are so easily manipulated by the dark side that good has become evil and evil has become good in their brainwashed minds. They are not aware of their confusion, especially regarding candidates promising hope and joy, and democracy without substance. Be wary of politicians who spout beatitudes that are in reality only platitudes.
Recognize that the rest of the world is already controlled by the evil one and his luciferian minions. As the Father in Heaven intended, America is the last great hope for the freedom of mankind and the entire world is counting on the United States of America standing up against the evil one and his minions.
This is the final battle of the End Times in which the good people of this world along with the powerful prayer warriors cooperate with the Father’s plan to defeat the evil one and to restore a New Heaven and a New Earth upon all of the lands on Earth. Make no mistake concerning the importance of this election in the United States. If the forces of evil are victorious by vote or by theft, and the entire world becomes a serfdom of the evil one, the End Times events necessary to restore the world to a Godly order may be terrible indeed.
Yet, the End Times events must take place because in the end, the Father in Heaven shall prevail over the Earth and a New Heaven and a New Earth shall be achieved.
So be it! Thanks be to God!
Source: ➥ EndTimesDaily.com