God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 109 -

An Official Marriage Covenant

THE THREE PRIESTS came at once, and one stated, 'Only a command of the governor may loose our tongue today,
for we took an oath this morning to speak no word during this whole day and to take no bite of food.
But, as stated, we now break this oath in the evening because we are forced to do so by the order of the governor. May he one day bear the responsibility for us!'
Cyrenius retorted, 'Truly, I have not compelled you, but if your conscience bothers you in the matter then I will gladly bear the responsibility.
For I am after all in the house of Him who is ultimately concerned with such accountabilities - and there I believe that in the rendering of this account I shall not fare as badly as you foolishly imagine it.'
And Joseph said, 'Oh brother, the accounting is already completed, so just tell the three what you have to request of them.'
At this one of the priests anticipated Cyrenius and asked him what they should do for him.
And Cyrenius briefly presented his desire to the three.
Here the three affirmed, 'The law is right and so is its fulfillment, but we are only lesser priests and our witness will not be acknowledged as binding.'
And Cyrenius explained to them that because of the complete lack of a high priest, every lesser priest was then obligated to perform the official duties and administer the justice of a high priest in this instance.
The priests thereupon admitted, 'That is right, but when we were to exercise the power of high priests two days ago you condemned us!
If we now were again to exercise the prerogative of a high priest, would you then not condemn us again?'
Cyrenius now replied in a somewhat aroused manner, 'At that time I condemned you because you wanted to exercise the prerogatives of high priests quite contrary to law;
but now you have the legal right before you. If you act accordingly you certainly have no condemnation to fear on my part.
Instead I will give you an offering which shall secure your livelihood. And an offering for Rome shall not be overlooked either.'
Here the three priests said, 'Good! But we do not give allegiance to the gods any more and want nothing more to do with Rome's paganism!
Will our certificate be valid if it becomes known in Rome that we have gone over to the faith of Israel?'
And Cyrenius retorted, 'You know as well as I that in Rome every testimony is valid for money.
Therefore do what I request of you. Anything else does not concern you and I shall see that it is taken care of.'
This assurance moved the priests to make out the desired certificate for Cyrenius and to bless him therewith.
When Cyrenius had the certificate, he gave Tullia his hand and lifted her up as now his lawful wife.
Then he gave her a ring and thereupon had royal clothes brought for her from the city.
