God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 113 -

The New Guests At The Lord's Table

JOSEPH NOW went directly into the living room again and told Mary and Eudokia what he had seen, and what was taking place out in the kitchen.
Mary and Eudokia were extremely surprised at this, and Mary exclaimed,
'O great God, then we just are not safe for one second from Your visitations! Hardly does the one have its foot outside the door when a hundred new ones set their feet into the room in its place!
O Lord, will you grant us no rest at all? Should we flee again and this time perhaps from the Romans? Or what will become of this appearance?'
Here Joseph said: 'Dear Mary, do not frighten yourself in vain! See, we are all wanderers in this world, and the Lord is our guide.
Wherever the Lord wants to lead us there will we also follow Him, wholly surrendered to His holy will. For He alone knows where and what is best for us.
See, you are always alarmed when the Lord sends us something new, but I am filled with joy thereat - for now I do indeed know that the Lord always provides what is best for us.
This morning the Lord sent a strong trial over me; I was very sad thereat.
But the sadness did not last long, for the one who was killed was awakened and lives!
Do the same, and it will be much more worthy of you than all your futile youthful fear and timidity.'
These words calmed Mary and she was now filled with curiosity to see the new cooks in the kitchen.
She therefore arose and wanted to go see, but in that moment the sons of Joseph, laden with foods, stepped into the room, and all the youths followed them in the highest reverence.
And when they came into the vicinity of the Baby, they suddenly fell down on their knees and worshiped Him.
And the Baby sat up and addressed the youths, saying: 'Arise, o archangels of My infinite heavens!
I have heard your request. Your love wishes to serve Me here in My lowliness also, but I, your Lord from eternity, have never needed your service.
And since your love is so great, remain here for three earth-days and serve this house. But apart from those who are here in the house, no one shall find out who you are.
Now share the evening meal with My foster-father and with her who gave Me birth and with this daughter who holds Me on her hands, with the three seekers and with My brothers.'
Thereupon the youths arose, Mary took the Baby, and all sat down at the table, intoned the song of praise with Joseph and ate and drank in utmost bliss and good cheer.
And the archangels appearing as youths wept for joy and said:
'Truly, eternities have passed under our gaze, filled with the greatest delight!
But all the most blissful eternities are outweighed by this moment in which we dine at the table of the Lord, yes at the table of His children among whom He is in all His fullness. O Lord, let us become Your children also!'
