God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 115 -

A Protective Watch In The Night

JOSEPH NOW SAID, 'Children and friends, it is already late in the evening and I think it is time to retire!'
The youths thereupon said, 'Yes, father Joseph, you are right. All of you who still live in your mortal bodies, go to an invigorating rest.
But we shall go out of your house and shall guard it.
For the enemy of life has cunningly learned that the Lord lives here and has resolved to murderously attack this house during the night.
That is why we are here to protect this house, and when the enemy comes he shall be badly dealt with.'
Joseph and Mary, the still awake Eudokia, the three priests and the sons of Joseph were greatly terrified at these tidings,
and Joseph asserted, 'If so, then I do not want to rest, but wake with you throughout the whole night.'
But the youths said to them, 'You may all be quite free from fear, for we are enough and also have enough power according to the will of the Lord to transform the whole creation into nothing.
How then should we be afraid of a handful of mercenary, cowardly murderers!
See, the whole matter came about because a few friends of the perished priesthood learned through the efforts of Satan that Cyrenius has become a great friend of the Jews, and that through this house.
Therefore they made a secret plot and swore to attack this house during the night and to murder everyone who is inside.
We have anticipated this plot for a long time and therefore have come to protect this house.
So be quite at ease, for tomorrow you will see how we worked for you during this night!'
When Joseph heard these faithful assurances of protection from the youths, he honored and praised God,
then first showed Eudokia her bedroom, blessed her as his daughter, and she retired.
Then Mary with the Baby went into the same room and this time took Him to bed with her.
Then the three priests also went to their room, but Joseph and the sons remained in the dining room and sat up.
The youths then went outside and encamped about the house. -
When midnight approached, the clinking of weapons was to be heard on the road from the city to the villa.
In a matter of minutes the whole house of Joseph was surrounded by three hundred armed men.
But the moment they wanted to force their way into the house, the youths arose and instantly strangled the whole band down to one man.
The one they bound and led him into a small room as evidence for the following day.
Thus Joseph's house was miraculously saved, was thereafter left in peace and was safe from any future attack.
