God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

Table of Contents


From the Time that Joseph Took Mary into His House

1 Joseph Takes Mary Into His House

2 Mary Spins For The New Temple Curtain

3 The Annunciation

4 Mary Entreats The Lord For Grace

5 A Prophecy Of The High Priest

6 Mary Discourses On The Just Life

7 Joseph Notices Mary's Pregnancy

8 Joseph Questions Mary

9 An Angel Witnesses To Joseph

10 An Informer Hastens Back To Jerusalem

11 The Effect Of The Death Sentence

12 The Decree Of Augustus Caesar

13 He Who Always Was Journeys To Bethlehem

14 See, There In The Hill Is A Cave

15 And Nature Stood Still

16 The Vision Of The Midwife

17 The Doubting Salome Is Forgiven

18 Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men

19 Cornelius Visits The Cave

20 Cornelius Sees A Great Light

21 Joseph Tells How God Respects Free Will

22 The Rising Of The New Spiritual Sun

23 Joseph And Mary Go To Jerusalem

24 The Baby Is Circumcised In The Temple

25 The Testimony Of A Prophetess

26 Nicodemus Beholds The Glory Of God

27 Away In A Manger, No Crib For His Bed

28 The Magi Are Received By Herod

29 A Stranger Star O'er Bethlehem

30 The Magi Worship The Baby

31 Joseph Tells Of God's Three Greatest Gifts

32 Joseph Reassures Cornelius

33 Preparations For The Flight To Egypt

34 The Journey To Tyre

35 The Melting Of The Idols

36 Joseph Vindicates Himself Before Cyrenius

37 A Golden Goblet Is Sublimed

38 In The Lowliness Of The World

39 The Mastery Of Grace Over Death

40 Mary's Wisdom Astonishes Cyrenius

41 The Voyage To Egypt

42 The Arrival In Ostracine

43 Cyrenius Buys A Villa

44 The Family's New Home

45 A Comparison With Israel In Egypt

46 Joseph Acquaints Cyrenius With Jewish History

47 The First Letter Of Cyrenius To Herod

48 The Second Letter Of Cyrenius To Herod

49 The Great Confrontation

50 The Prefect Of Jerusalem's Complicity

51 A Promise For Maronius Pilla

52 The Baby Speaks His First Words

53 The Roman Military Inspection

54 Cyrenius Dispels Joseph's Fears

55 Cyrenius Learns Wisdom From The Baby

56 Maronius Pilla Discards Some Pagan Views

57 The Full Confession Of Maronius

58 Joseph Renders A Verdict

59 A Prophecy Of Joseph Is Fulfilled

60 The Long Arm Of The Baby

61 Maronius Makes Some Wrong Conclusions

62 Joseph Discourses On The Brother-Eye

63 James Repents His Vain Curiosity

64 Joseph Counts God's Love As Man's Greatest Wealth

65 The Violent Storm

66 The Master Of The Storm

67 The Heathen Priests Demand A Sacrifice

68 The Martyrs Gain Time

69 The Sentence For The Priests

70 The Law Of Sacrifice

71 Vengeance Belongs To The Lord Alone

72 The Lion Of Judah

73 The Baby's Dictum To Cyrenius

74 The Pardon Of The Priests

75 The Sword Justified As A Shepherd's Staff

76 The True Mythology Of The Gods

77 The Reawakening Of The Seven Guides

78 The Strange Effects Of The Earthquake

79 A Judgment Is Avoided

80 The Lord Pinches Those Who Love Him

81 A Great Prophecy For Rome

82 Here Is More Than Isis

83 The Fear Of The Three Priests

84 The Mythology Of Ostracine

85 Anxiety Negates God's Help

86 The World Occasions No Loss For The Godly

87 A Psalm of David Enlightens The Three Priests

88 The Death And Reawakening Of Joel

89 A Penitent Heart The Only Acceptable Sacrifice

90 A Pagan Custom Is Rejected For The Lord's Table

91 Love - The Only True Prayer

92 Build Me A Temple in Your Hearts

93 A Blind Beggar Woman Regains Her Sight

94 A Prophecy For Mary

95 Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

96 The Woman's Immeasurable Gain

97 Joseph Adopts A Lovely Daughter

98 The Maiden Recognizes The Baby

99 Cyrenius Seeks The Maiden's Hand

100 The Three-fold Roman Marriage Law

101 Victor Aurelius Dexter Latii

102 A Gospel On Marriage Acceptable Before God

103 The Seat Of Life Is In The Heart

104 For Every Man I Created Only One Woman

105 Cyrenius Makes A Sacrifice

106 Eudokia Finds A Greater Splendor

107 Joseph Accepts A Gift From Cyrenius

108 A Secret Roman Marriage Law

109 An Official Marriage Covenant

110 Do Not Sigh Because Of The World

111 The World Is A Stage Of Deceit

112 Joseph's House Receives New Guests

113 The New Guests At The Lord's Table

114 The New Order For Heaven And Earth

115 A Protective Watch In The Night

116 The Reawakening Of The Mercenaries

117 Cyrenius Meets The Lord's Servants

118 God's Love For His Children

119 The Wedding Garments Of The Lord's Servants

120 How The Easter Holidays Should Be Kept

121 An Easter Invitation From Cyrenius

122 A Secret Hope For The Condemned

123 A Treacherous Path Up A Holy Mountain

124 A Poisonous Encampment At The Summit

125 An Old Temple Collapses

126 The Strange Fires In Ostracine

127 An Empty Deception By Evil Spirits

128 Joseph Discourses On The Wonders Of Creation

129 He Is The Image Of The Invisible God

130 Love Alone Can Comprehend The Lord

131 The Approach Of A Great Storm

132 Cyrenius Defies A Sea Of Fire

133 A Roman Marvels At The Child's Power

134 The Lord Always Knows The Best Way

135 A Treacherous Attack

136 The Discovery Of The Traitor

137 The Family Arrives At The Citadel Of Cyrenius

138 Love and Compassion Are Better Than Justice

139 An Example Of Compassion

140 A Gospel Of Forgiveness

141 A New Ark Of The Covenant

142 Joseph's Place Of Honor In The World

143 A Captain Seeks Enlightenment

144 The Baby Reproves Joseph

145 Joseph Tells The Captain Of The Messiah

146 Joseph Defines True Love Of God

147 The Healing Of The Afflicted Guests

148 The Unveiling Of The Spiritual Life

149 How the Sabbath Is To Be Kept

150 The Miraculously Repaired Ship

151 The Seeker Will Find The Right Path

152 Cyrenius As Predecessor Of The Apostle Paul

153 The Word Of The Lord To Isaiah

154 A Friend Of The Question

155 Cyrenius Prepares His Departure

156 Good Friends Take Leave

157 The Baby Becomes Silent

158 The Meaning Of True Rest On The Sabbath

159 Eudokia Learns A Secret of the Heavens

160 I Am He, Who Teaches Justice

161 A Blind Man Receives His Sight

162 James Explains A Passage From David

163 The Arrival Of The Children From Tyre

164 An Evil Spirit Is Dispossessed

165 Christophorus - The Giant Fisherman

166 Why Jonathan Carried More Than The Whole World

167 The Child's Favorite Food

168 A Lesson In Love, Gentleness And Patience

169 Melchisedek, The King of Salem

170 Great Thoughts Other Than Love Are Vain

171 The Child Explains Messiah Passages In Isaiah

172 He Is A Sinner Who Has No Love

173 The Just According To The Law Will Weep

174 The Nature Of The Moon

175 An Historic Eclipse Of The Moon

176 Some Old Fables About The Moon

177 A Perfect Earth In Miniature

178 Jonathan Is Called To An Important Service

179 The Lucky Catch - An Omen For Jonathan

180 A Great Reward For Jonathan

181 Cyrenius Comes To The Right Place

182 Storms Of The Soul - A Sign Of God's Love

183 The Mystery Of The Gale

184 The Way Of The Lord With Cyrenius

185 A Gospel On Prayer Pleasing To God

186 Cyrenius Receives A Rare Gift

187 Be Not Concerned About Your Brother

188 A Test Of Love For Cyrenius

189 Cyrenius Builds A New, Living Temple

190 The Lord Over Death And Above The Sabbath

191 Cyrenius Wins A Race With The Child

192 A Prophetic Game Of The Future Begins

193 The Symbolic Children's Game

194 The First Woman's Nature Is Rebuked

195 A Simile Of The World's Children

196 A New King Over All The World

197 The Little Child Interprets The Game

198 A Parable Of The Future

199 The Universal Significance Of The Lord's Descent

200 The Child Foretells The Crucifixion And Resurrection

201 A Prediction For The Followers Of Jesus

202 Worldliness, The Enemy Of The Inward Life

203 The Difference Between A Mask And Prudence

204 The Parable Of The Wise King

205 The Repentant Tullia Is Forgiven

206 The Three Tears Acceptable To God

207 The Lord To The End Of Creation

208 Joseph Puts A Curse On The Storm

209 The Reason For The Storm

210 The Child Foretells A Fire From Above

211 The Child Warns Joseph Against Vain Searching

212 The Child And James Forget To Pray

213 Joseph Repents His Mistake

214 The Lord's Table On The Mountain

215 In Hoc Signo Vinces

216 The Way Of The Lord With The Pagans

217 A Lesson In Geometry

218 Faith Demonstrates True Humility Of The Spirit

219 The Cross As Symbol Of God's Love

220 The Flesh Is Under The Debt Of Sin

221 The Same Conditions Do Not Apply Everywhere

222 When Zero Counts As Much As A Million

223 A Comet In Miniature

224 The Nature Of A Comet

225 The Long and Short Approach To God

226 Never Fear The World - But Fear Yourselves

227 The Generosity Of Jonathan

228 The Difference Between God's True And False Servants

229 A Memorable Morning Meal For Cyrenius

230 Mary's Strictness A Symbol Of Her Motherly Love

231 Cyrenius Provides For Joseph's House

232 On The Burden Of Money

233 Jonathan Fells A Mighty Tree

234 A Glittering Deputation Arrives From Ostracine

235 O You Disgraceful Bourn Of Earth

236 The Humility Of The Lord

237 The Child's Love For His Brothers

238 The Interpretation Of The Poor Meal

239 One Flock And One Shepherd

240 The Poor Testimony Of The Worldly Neighbors

241 The Evil Plan Of The Neighbors

242 He Who Digs A Pit For Another

243 A Memorable Example Of Charity

244 Though We Lose All - But Have The Lord

245 Joseph To Cyrenius - Follow The Lord's Counsel

246 Where Your Heart Is - There Is Your Treasure

247 Only Love Can Bear My Presence

248 Jonathan Saves Another Roman Ship

249 Jonathan Makes A Rich Catch Of Fish

250 The Wages Of The World

251 Jonathan As A Friend in Need

252 James Tells Of God's Wonders In All Things

253 A Judgment For Wanton Destructiveness

254 The Return Of The Stolen Clothes

255 The Inward Nobility Of Mary

256 Joseph Reproves The Eminent Citizens

257 The Departure From Egypt

258 The Return To Nazareth

259 Cornelius Discovers The Little Caravan

260 On The Outskirts Of Nazareth

261 Salome And Cornelius Recognize The Family

262 Joseph Returns To His Farmstead

263 The Child Praises Salome's Love

264 Salome Prepares The Child's Favorite Food

265 Cornelius Becalms Joseph's Fears

266 The Secret Writing Of The Romans

267 The Child's Promise To Cornelius

268 Joseph's House Receives A Roman Charter

269 Joseph Decides To Visit Friends And Relatives

270 The Town Of Nazareth Receives A Warning

271 Joseph Exhorts The Nazarenes To True Penance

272 Joseph Visits His Friend The Doctor

273 The Messiah Will Found A Spiritual Kingdom

274 The Child Heals A Girl Of Palsy

275 The Doctor Comes Into A Great Reputation

276 Joseph Visits The Schoolteacher Dumas

277 The Child Gives Dumas A Mighty Setback

278 Joseph Confounds The Beadles Of Archelaus

279 Jonathan As Fisherman In The Sea Of Galilee

280 The Miracle Of The Twelve Sparrows

281 An Ill-Tempered Boy's Lesson

282 The Wages Of The Shepherd Boy

283 A Father's Entreaty

284 A Glorious Promise To All Of Good Will

285 The Reawakening Of The Shepherd Boy

286 The Wages Of A False Witness

287 A Schoolteacher Learns The Alphabet

288 Where Is Up - And Where Down?

289 A Light To The Heathen, A Judgment To The Jews

290 The Death And Reawakening Of Zenon

291 Archelaus - A Scourge Of God

292 The Reawakening Of Salome's Dead Servant

293 The Broken Water Jug

294 The Thousand-fold Harvest

295 A Memorable School Episode

296 The Boy Jesus Explains Daniel To A Kind Teacher

297 Three Miracles Of Jesus In His Eleventh Year

298 Twelve-Year-Old Jesus Journeys To The Temple

299 And He Increased In Grace And Wisdom

300 An Exemplary Life Of The Soul