God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 117 -

Cyrenius Meets The Lord's Servants

THIS OCCURRENCE put Cyrenius into a somewhat ill humor, and he did not know how he should sentence these traitors.
He therefore went over to Joseph and discussed the matter with him, and Joseph responded,
'Be of good cheer, my brother in the Lord!
See, you surely are my greatest friend and benefactor on earth, but what good would all your friendship have done me last night?
These hired assassins could have fried me over hot coals during the night along with my whole house without you having learned anything about it until this morning, when you would not have found anything left of me when you came!
Who was my Deliverer there? Who had already seen through the plans of these villains long ago and sent me help at the right time?
See, it was the Lord, my God and your God! - So be of good cheer, for you also are now in the all-protecting hand of the Lord, and He will not permit any harm to befall you!'
With heartfelt gratitude Cyrenius thanked Joseph for this consolation while at his side Tullia occupied herself with the Baby.
But at that moment he saw the two magnificent youths, and also noticed that several others like them were present in the kitchen.
He therefore asked Joseph whence these ever so beautiful and very delicate youths were and whether they also belonged to those who were rescued from the ruins.
Joseph answered, 'See, every lord has his servants; now you surely know that my little Child is a Lord also!
See, these are His servants - they are also the ones who protected this house from destruction last night.
But do not guess what country they are from, for there you will accomplish nothing since these helpers are endowed with indescribable strength and power!'
Therefore they won't tell you this, and you won't succeed against them with force because they are too powerful and infinitely strong!
Cyrenius inquired, 'Then they are half-gods, as we have them in our mythical doctrine?
What? Can it be that beside the one God you also have such half-gods whose work it is to render good services to men as well as to the main God?'
And Joseph assured him,'Oh brother, there you are greatly mistaken! See, half-gods are eternally out of the question with us,
but we do believe in highly advanced spirits who are now angels of God, but also once lived on earth as we do now!
But be as silent about what you have now learned from me as if you had never heard anything about it - or you could have to suffer much because of it.'
Here Cyrenius laid his finger on his mouth and swore to be silent until his death.
At this the two youths went over to Cyrenius and said, 'Now come outside with us, so we may show you our power.'
Cyrenius went outside with them, and behold, a mountain in the far distance disappeared at a word from the mouth of the youths!
Only then did Cyrenius grasp the reason why he had to be silent, and he also was silent throughout his whole life - and so were all who were with him.
