God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 120 -

How The Easter Holidays Should Be Kept

AFTER THE COMPLETION of the delicious morning meal which lasted for an hour, the hymn of praise was spoken by Joseph and all arose from the table.
Since it was the day before the Sabbath or the Friday before the Easter Sabbath of the Jews, Joseph was a bit afraid and did not know how he was to observe these holidays here among all these Romans.
For he knew that the Romans would on this occasion also visit him on the Easter Sabbath day just like on any other day.
Therefore he was, as stated, afraid as to how he would be able to keep this exceptionally high Sabbath holy.
As he was thus thinking, the youths gathered round about him and said: 'Listen to us, you just but vainly concerned man!
You know that at about this time the angels of God also arrived in Jerusalem as archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim.
And the Holy of Holies was constantly inhabited by them as you know, and as your wife knows.
Since you know that we wait only upon the Lord and not the temple in Jerusalem, so also are we not in the temple.
When the Lord dwelt in the temple at Jerusalem, then we were also in the temple.
But now He dwells here, and we are also here to celebrate Easter with you and not one of us is in the temple which is now altogether forsaken!
Now how will you celebrate Easter better than if you act like we do?
See, we shall do the same tomorrow as we have done today and shall continue doing so, and that will be the right thing.
You do the same, and you will observe the Sabbath and the Easter holidays correctly with us in the fullest presence of the Lord of the Sabbath and all holidays.
Ask the most sublime Baby, and He will tell you the same and make this known to you with the greatest certainty.'
And Joseph asked, 'Everything you say is good and true, but what about the Law of Moses? Does this cease?'
The youths retorted, 'Just man, you are mistaken; say, did Moses ever decree the Easter holidays to be held at Jerusalem?
Did he not decree the holiday to be held only there, where the Lord is with the Ark of the Covenant?
See, now the Lord is no more with the Ark of the Covenant, but He is with you and with your house bodily!
Now say, just where according to Moses should the Easter holidays rightfully be kept?'
Here Joseph agreed, 'If that is the way it is, then of course the holidays must be observed here! But what shall we do with the many pagans here?'
And the youths answered, 'O just son of David, do not concern yourself with that, but do what we do and everything will be all right.'
Here the Baby wanted Joseph's attention (on which occasion the youths fell on their faces) and said:
'Joseph, as today, so tomorrow and the day after tomorrow; but do not be concerned because of the uncircumcised, for these are now better than the circumcised!
See, the circumcision of the foreskin is of no importance, but the circumcision of the heart is of the greatest importance!
Now these Romans have a noble heart, so I am now keeping the Easter holidays with them, and not with the Jews.'
These words again composed Joseph and he was filled with joy and turned all concern for the Easter holidays over to the youths.
