God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 131 -

The Approach Of A Great Storm

THE OTHERS, who had scattered to all sides of the widely stretched plateau of the mountain, now returned with deeply concerned expressions.
For they saw very massive, black clouds arise in the south-west part of Egypt, which are always forerunners of great storms.
In the north-east toward Ostracine all was indeed clear, but all the more gruesome did matters appear above the mountain range to the south-west.
These returnees therefore advised a rapid return homeward.
Cyrenius answered, 'When the proper time comes, our wise and mighty companions will surely tell us;
but as long as they are not concerned we too will not worry!'
At this Maronius and the garrison commander observed, 'You are right - but just go up on this little mound and look, and you will surely agree with us.
For it certainly appears as if all the furies had suddenly set the earth on fire!'
Cyrenius now asked the lightly slumbering Joseph,
'Friend and brother, did you hear what sort of a warning report these here have brought me?'
Joseph answered, 'I was slumbering and hardly know of what you were speaking among yourselves.'
And Cyrenius said, 'Then arise and go with me up this little mound, and you will immediately discover the subject of our discussion.'
Hereupon Joseph arose and went up on the mound with Cyrenius.
When they arrived there, Cyrenius showed Joseph the extremely threatening appearance of the approaching storm.
And Joseph asked, 'Well, what are you going to do now?
Flee? - Where to? The storm will be here in at least a quarter of an hour!
It will take us an hour and a half to walk to Ostracine, and before we ever get through the upper part of the forest on the mountain, the storm will have caught up with us long before!
What then in the uncertain ravine if an army of beasts encircles us - which they like to do in great storms?
And if on top of that streaming cloudbursts catch up with us and relentlessly tear us along into the lowland - what will we do then?
So we really should remain here on the top where we will at worst get wet, while we can run into all sorts of trouble in the forest!'
Cyrenius was satisfied with this advice and went back underneath the fig tree with Joseph.
But the company of Cyrenius appeared very skeptical - especially when they saw that the three lions suddenly sprang up and took flight into the forest.
Maronius himself said to Joseph, 'See, the three beasts which have attached themselves to us have surely taken protective flight in anticipation of the calamity which awaits us here! Should we not do the same?'
Here Joseph retorted: 'Man need not learn what to do from the animal, but from the Lord of nature!
Now I believe that I am more intelligent than the animal, so I shall remain and await the storm here and only set out when it is over - providing a storm comes!' With this all were satisfied for the present and remained in fearful anticipation.
