God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 137 -

The Family Arrives At The Citadel Of Cyrenius

TULLIA did not awaken from a refreshing sleep until no sign remained in the sleeping-chamber of what had happened during the night.
Cyrenius thereupon asked her if she had slept quite peacefully,
of which Tullia assured him, since she had been very tired from the trip up the mountain.
Here Cyrenius said, 'That was very lucky for you!
For if you had been awake last night, you would have endured a great fright!
See, only one hour ago this chamber was a scene of horror!'
And Tullia, quite surprised, asked Cyrenius just what had taken place.
Cyrenius now showed Tullia the three lions and asserted in a strongly raised voice,
'Tullia, see, these are surely three terrible animals! They are kings in animal strength, fury and ferocity once they are provoked,
and woe to every wanderer in the wilderness where they have their haunts!
Nothing can save him from their fury! One pounce, and a human lies torn to pieces in the red-hot dust of the desert!
But for all that there are human beings compared to whom these animals are angels from heaven.
These rending animals last night kept us both from the fury of human beings and have torn twenty assassins to pieces in this hall!'
Tullia was terrified at this tale of her husband and inquired,
'How did that happen? Why did I not know anything about it? If you knew something beforehand, why did you not tell me about it?'
Cyrenius replied, 'Tullia, I knew indeed that something would happen last night-
but in just what way, strictly speaking, I did not know, for I knew only as much as the divine Child of my friend told me.
And that I did not tell you anything about it came from my great love to you, little wife of my heart!
See, everything is now behind us; the God of Israel has preserved us marvelously from an ignominious end,
for which we will also love, honor and praise Him in the depth of our hearts our whole life long!
And now, since you are already dressed, let us go forth to meet the exalted family on their way here and receive them still outside the city gate.'
Cyrenius now directed his servants to prepare everything for the approaching celebration and to put everything in the best order
and ordered the traitorous servant to follow him outside the city gate.
At that moment Maronius with the three priests emerged from another part of the citadel and announced to Cyrenius that the exalted family was already approaching the citadel.
At this Cyrenius dropped everything and with pounding heart hurried to meet his friend Joseph, but Joseph already came toward him with outstretched arms on the first flight of steps with Mary, the Baby and his whole heavenly company.
