God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 140 -

A Gospel Of Forgiveness

WHEN CYRENIUS saw the deep gratitude of this servant and his great repentance, he consoled him and said:
'See, my new brother in the Lord, we human beings are all deficient before God, and God forgives us our errors if we recognize and repent them,
when, after all, God is holy, while we are all great sinners before Him!
For if the Holy one forgives, why should we sinners not forgive each other our trespasses?
As long as a person has not sunk to the level of the furies, just that long does God's grace remain with him,
but if a human being becomes a complete devil in the world, then God takes His grace away from him and gives him over to the judgment of hell!
That is why the twenty who bribed you were torn to pieces by the three lions - for they had already become devils.
But you were spared, since you were only misled and were blind and did not know what you had done.
The Lord God has not taken His grace from you and has opened your eyes, so that you came to a full realization of the sin committed by you.
You have repented of the sin that you recognized as such, and God has forgiven your sin.
For that reason do I also forgive you your trespass against me and hereby make you my friend and my brother in the Lord.
Therefore I raise you up and lead you over to my divine, exalted company.
Be of good cheer now and follow me, so you will be blest by my eminent friend to be a real brother!'
This altogether splendid talk of Cyrenius to the treasonable servant had excellent results.
The servant was comforted and strengthened thereby, then arose, and dissolving in tears followed Cyrenius over to the company.
When he arrived there, Joseph promptly lifted up his hands, blessed the servant and said only, 'The Lord be with you!'
Thereupon Cyrenius ordered that shining, splendid clothes be immediately brought and put on the servant
and promptly invested him with a name of honor and then gave him a brother's kiss.
Then Cyrenius called all the servants of the household together and introduced their new brother to them and ordered them to obey him.
Here the servants objected, 'How can you be a just judge since you elevate the traitor, but humiliate us who have always demonstrated the greatest faithfulness to you?'
'What is it to you,' countered Cyrenius, 'if I am kind and compassionate? Which of you has ever lacked anything with me? But none of you has ever risked his life for me!
And he was always the least among you and has risked his life for me - by his action I have become rid of my enemies. Does he therefore not deserve this rank?'
At this the house servants became silent, went about their business again and were satisfied with this answer.
And a youth from the heavens said: 'In the future it will also be just like this in the kingdom of God. There will be more joy over a repentant sinner than over ninety-nine of the just who have never sinned!'
