God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 149 -

How the Sabbath Is To Be Kept

WHEN THE CAPTAIN had thus been put at ease, Cyrenius ordered the commander of the garrison to fit out a ship by the following day in which these poor were to be taken to Tyre.
Here the commander informed him, 'Imperial, consular highness! According to my knowledge only one old Carthaginian ship still lies out in the harbor, but it is in a very defective condition.
There are no shipwrights in this city - only a few very miserable carpenters here and there who can barely tie no more than a fishing raft together.
It is therefore to be greatly questioned how we are to make the old Carthaginian ship seaworthy.'
Cyrenius said, 'Do not worry - we shall promptly get the best advice for that.
See, that wise Jew according to his craft is a great master carpenter and likewise his five sons.
Him I will ask, and I am convinced that he will give me the best advice especially in this matter.'
Here Cyrenius immediately turned to Joseph and presented the matter to him.
Joseph answered, 'Friend and brother, everything would be well and proper if only today were not our most important Sabbath on which we may not undertake any labor.
But perhaps there are carpenters here whom our Sabbath does not concern; these I will be glad to advise.'
Here the Baby sat up and said: 'Joseph, every man may do good as far as the Sabbath is concerned.
The keeping of the Sabbath does not consist in idleness the whole day through, but much rather in the doing of good works.
Moses to be sure taught that the keeping of the Sabbath was most necessary and in his Law characterized every unnecessary and menially paid-for labor as a desecration of the Sabbath, which is an abomination before God -
but Moses never forbade the doing of God's will on the Sabbath.
Nowhere in the Law does it state that one should allow a brother to perish on the Sabbath!
'And I, as the Lord of the Sabbath, say this: Always do good also on the Sabbath, and you will celebrate the Sabbath in the best manner!
But if you, Joseph, do not trust yourself to only seemingly transgress the Law of Moses by the easy repair" of that ship, then My servants shall do so right away.'
Joseph replied, 'My divine little Son, You are no doubt right - but You see, I am become old in the Law and do not want to transgress it even seemingly.'
Here the Baby immediately called the youths and stated, 'So then do you go and fulfill! My will,
for Joseph honors the Law more than the Lawgiver and the Sabbath more than the Lord of the Sabbath!'
As quick as though the youths left the great hall, repaired the ship in an instant, and just as quickly returned.
All were astonished at this speed, and many did not believe that the ship had been made seaworthy. But soon messengers came from the harbor who reported this deed to Cyrenius. Thereupon the entire company went down to the shore, inspected the ship and was astonished at such dexterity of the youths.
