God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 151 -

The Seeker Will Find The Right Path

AFTER THIS the company , returned to the city and went to the citadel, where the noonday meal had been prepared wholly according to Jewish custom.
All took their former places again and refreshed themselves at the tastily prepared meal.
Only at the end of the meal did Cyrenius notice that the well-known captain was not present among the guests.
'Where is he, what is he doing?' was the general question at the head of the Roman portion of the table.
Cyrenius now turned to his friend Joseph and asked him about it.
Joseph answered, 'Do not worry about him, for he has gone to seek out the poor in the city.
To be sure, he is still more concerned with the discovery of the inner light than actually with the poor themselves,
but that will not be detrimental to his cause - for to him who seeks the right path will open up of its own accord!'
When Cyrenius learned this, he was very glad indeed and praised the captain in his heart.
While the Roman company was divided over many suppositions about the captain's absence, he came in to the company in good spirits and was promptly assailed with a multitude of questions from all sides.
But the captain, although himself very fond of asking questions, was nonetheless anything but fond of giving answers.
For that reason he promptly went over to Cyrenius and excused himself because he had on this occasion stayed away from the noonday meal.
And Cyrenius gave the captain his hand and assured him,
'Truly, and if we stood before the enemy and you left your place of battle for such a reason, you would have nothing to answer for with me.
For it is true, as I now realize, that we do more if we do good to only one human being, than if we should win all the kingdoms of the world for Rome.
One human being means more to the Lord God than all the rest of the world!
Therefore we do a much greater thing before God if we as brothers provide for a brother's bodily needs out of love - and as much as possible also spiritually -
than if we took the field against many thousands of our worst enemies.
Yes, it is infinitely more praiseworthy before God to be a benefactor to one's brothers, than to be the greatest hero in this mad world!'
And the Baby added thereto: 'Amen! So it is, My Cyrenius Quirinus.
Continue on this road, for truly, as surely as this one no other leads to eternal life! For love is life - whosoever has love, he also has life!' Thereupon the Baby blessed Cyrenius and the captain with His eyes.
