God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 157 -

The Baby Becomes Silent

OUTSIDE THE CITY Mary gave the Baby over to James, for she had become tired since she had carried Him on her hands the whole day long.
And James was filled with joy because he once again had a chance to carry his Darling.
Here the Baby opened His eyes and said, 'My dear James, you really do love Me with all your heart!
But if I should become quite heavy for you, would you then still love Me as much?'
James answered, 'Oh my dearest little Brother, even if You weighed as much as I did, I still would carry You on my arms with a heart burning most fervently!'
The Baby continued: 'My brother, now of course I will not become heavy for you,
but one day the time will come in which I will become a great burden to you!
Therefore you do well that you are even now lovingly getting used to My weight,
for when accordingly the difficult time comes, you then will carry Me in My full weight just as easily as you carry Me now.
And I say to you: Everyone who does not first carry Me as a Child will one day succumb beneath My full weight!
'Whoever will carry Me in his heart as a weak little Child as you now do upon your hands, to him I shall be just as light a burden in the years of My manhood!'
James, not understanding these high words, caressingly asked the Baby,
'Oh my dearest little Brother, my Jesus, will You then allow Yourself to be carried around as a man?'
The Baby replied: 'You love Me with all your might, and that is enough for Me!
And your artlessness is more pleasing to Me than the wisdom of the wise who calculate much and make predictions, but whose hearts are colder thereby than ice.
What you do not grasp now, that you will grasp very easily at the proper time.
See, now I am still only a Child who is of an altogether minor age,
and behold, for all that my tongue is loosed and I converse with you as if I were a mature man!
Now if I were to remain like this, I would be like a dual being, a Child to the eye - and a Man to the ear.
But matters cannot continue as they are. I shall bind My tongue for a year to all but you.
and you will hear My voice only in your heart!
When I shall again speak with the mouth, your eye will see Me more matured, but your ear will hear only childish talk from Me!
I have told you this now so you will not take exception to Me then. So be it!'
Here the Baby again became quite speechless and behaved just like any other baby, while in the meantime they reached the villa.
