God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 164 -

An Evil Spirit Is Dispossessed

FROM THIS TIME onward it was very quiet in Joseph's house and nothing miraculous took place.
This quiet state lasted for a full year, at which time the little Child could already walk by Himself and talk and play with the other eight children.
During this time a Negro family with a very sick child came into Joseph's house.
For this family had heard in the city that a miracle doctor was present in this house who healed all sicknesses.
The sick child was a boy of ten and was tormented most pitifully by an evil spirit.
The spirit gave the boy no rest night and day, threw him about, made his stomach swell up and thereby caused him unendurable pain.
At times he drove him into the water and at times into the fire.
But when this spirit found itself to be in Joseph's house, it was quiet and did not stir.
Joseph asked the boy's father, who understood Greek, about the particular circumstances of the boy,
and the father faithfully told Joseph all that had ever taken place with the boy from the beginning.
Thereupon Joseph called James, who as a sixteen-year-old youth was busying himself with the little Child as usual, and told him of the distress of this Negro family.
Hereat James turned to the little Child and caressed Him and talked to Him in his heart.
At this the little Child stated quite loudly in the Hebrew language:
'My brother! My time will not come for quite a while - but you go over to the sick boy whose race carries the sign of Cain,
touch him in the breast cavity with the index Finger of the left hand, and the evil spirit will promptly depart out of the boy forever!'
James quickly went over and did as the little Child had told him.
Here the evil spirit rent the boy for the last time and screamed:
'What do you terrible one want with me? Where shall I go now, since you drive me from my home ahead of time?'
And James declared: 'The Lord wills it! The sea is not far away - there, where it is deepest, you shall dwell at the bottom, and the slime shall be your dwelling place henceforth, Amen!'
Here the spirit left the boy who instantly became well.
Thereupon the family wanted to reward Joseph, but Joseph accepted nothing and let them depart in peace and praised God for the wondrous healing of this boy.
