God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 167 -

The Child's Favorite Food

WHEN JONATHAN had completed his devotion in such a wholehearted manner, Joseph said to him,
'My very dear friend, you dwell alone in your hut with your three helpers.
Today on the day before the Sabbath you will not catch any more fish anyhow, so remain with me today as well as for the Sabbath tomorrow.'
Jonathan answered, 'Yes, my friend and brother, if the Child of God were not here I would indeed like to remain with you.
But you see, I am a sinful person and am unclean in all my parts and limbs,
and since I live among the heathen, I have hardly thought about the precepts of Moses and lived more like a pagan than a Jew.
Thus I cannot remain where the Most Holy One dwells.'
And Joseph said, 'Brother, your argument is good, but it is not acceptable with me!
See, the Lord, who shows himself so gracious even against all the heathen, will surely show Himself to be still more gracious to you, since you are a penitent Jew.
All you need is to love Him, and you may be sure that the Lord will also love you beyond measure.
You see, the eight children and Eudokia are pagans, and for all that the little Child associates with them and loves them beyond measure!
So He will also accept you ever so lovingly and will concern Himself with you as with His best friend.'
At these words Jonathan took courage and with Joseph again went down from the hill into the dwelling where the noon meal had long been prepared.
Joseph now called everyone to the table, and Mary took the little Child and as usual sat down at the table next to Joseph.
But the little Child did not want to partake of the milk dish prepared for Him.
Mary was concerned at this, for she supposed that something was wrong with the little Child.
Here the little Child said, 'Why are you concerned about Me?
See, Jonathan brought me a better food. This I shall eat, and this will truly satisfy My hunger.'
Mary thereupon thought the fish were meant which were put on the table last.
And the little Child stated: 'Mary, you did not understand Me.
For I do not mean the fish, although they naturally taste better than this milk of yesterday which has already gone sour, and which Joel took in place of fresh milk to cook a mush for me.
'But the great humility and the great love of Jonathan's heart, which he has already demonstrated to Me on a number of occasions without knowing Me, that is what I mean!
I tell you, Mary, Jonathan is a strong man in his limbs, but the love of his heart is still much stronger!
And this his love for Me is the hearty fare which now satisfies Me. I shall also eat of his fish, but I do not want this sour mush.' - This made Jonathan so happy that he began to weep aloud.
