God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 169 -

Melchisedek, The King of Salem

SOON Joel brought in the fried fish and set them on the table.
Joseph now placed a generous portion in front of each one and did not forget himself either;
but as usual he did not give a portion to the little Child who naturally received His share from Mary's portion.
But this time the little Child was not satisfied therewith, and also wanted a whole portion.
Here Joseph said, 'But my dearest little Son, my Jesus, that would surely be too much for You.
In the first place You could not possibly eat it at all, and besides it would make You sick if You did eat it.
Now You can see that I gave Your mother a greater portion anyhow because she has to provide for You.
So do not concern yourself, my little Son - You will not come too short.'
And the little Child replied: 'That I know - and many other things besides, which you do not know.
But it still would have been fitting if you had also given the Lord of creation a whole portion.
Do you know who Melchisedek, the King of Salem, was? - You do not know!
But I know and tell you: The King of Salem was the Lord Himself - but apart from Abraham no one was permitted to have the least intimation thereof.
That is why Abraham bowed down to the earth before Him and voluntarily gave Him the tenth part of everything.
'Joseph, I am the same Melchisedek, and you are comparable to Abraham!
Why then do you not want to give Me the tithing of these good fish?
Why do you refer Me to the mother? Who made the fish, as well as the sea? Was it Mary or I, a King of Salem from eternity?
See, I am here in My own from eternity, and you are not even willing to set a whole portion of fish before Me? Now that is indeed rare!
'For that reason it will also come to pass that men will one day place far greater portions before the mother of My body than before Me.
And I shall have to wait for what is placed before the mother, and that will be far from the order of Melchisedek!'
At this Joseph did not know what he should answer thereto. He therefore promptly divided his portion and set the greater half in front of the little Child.
The little Child now said: 'Whoever gives Me anything and keeps a part for himself, he does not know Me!
Whoever wishes to give to Me, let him give Me everything - otherwise I will not accept it!'
Here Joseph most gladly also set his portion before the little Child.
Thereupon the little Child lifted His right hand, blessed the two portions and stated:
'Whoever gives Me everything, he wins a hundred-fold! Take the fish back again, Joseph, and eat! And give Me only what you have left over!'
Joseph now took the fish again and ate a great deal thereof; and when he could eat no more, so much was left over that it would have been enough for twelve people. And the little Child then ate of the remainder.
