God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 178 -

Jonathan Is Called To An Important Service

WHEN THE EVENING MEAL had been prepared and eaten, Jonathan said to Joseph,
'Brother, you will not have enough room for me, so let me go home now during this fair night to where a sufficiently large couch is prepared for me.
Tomorrow I will be back here an hour before sunrise.'
Joseph replied, 'Brother, if you have no other concern than only for a sufficiently large resting place, you can make yourself at home here;
for there shall be no lack of that in this, now my house.
See, there in the outer court is a door on the left to a roomy side-chamber.
There I have already had a good resting place set up for you.
I am sure that it will be large enough for you, so you may just as well stay here.'
To this Jonathan said, 'Brother, you are very kind to me, and I now realize only too well that I am nowhere more at home than here,
and am also convinced that your resting place will accommodate me very well.
But something is now drawing me homeward with great urgency, and that all at once so strongly that I would rather fly there than go on foot as usual!'
When Joseph heard this, he said, 'Your will is your own and you can do what you will, so you can go or stay.'
Thereupon Jonathan went to the little Child and most humbly took his leave from Him.
'Here the little Child stated, 'Jonathan, if you absolutely want to leave you are free to go - but do not forget to come back!
Now I tell you that your plan to cast your big net tonight will avail you nothing.
Instead I shall drive a shark into your net that will torment you until sunrise and will tear up your best fishing gear in the morning.
And despite all that you will not catch him - for he will bring all your effort to naught with one slap of his tail into the water!'
When Jonathan heard this from the little Child, he suddenly changed his mind and said to Joseph,
'Brother, in that case I shall remain! See, tomorrow I wanted to bring you a big cask filled with the choicest fish -
and this thought drew me homeward so strongly.
But now that I have heard how this haul will turn out, I shall stay with you.
So have me brought to my couch where I shall sleep quite peacefully - and I do not care what happens at home!'
At this the little Child said: 'Jonathan, thus you please Me better than when you seek to conceal your heart!
But I now tell you: Go home! For at midnight you will do Me an important service.'
Thereupon Jonathan arose and hastened homeward, blessed by Joseph's entire household.
