God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 187 -

Be Not Concerned About Your Brother

CYRENIUS WAS so extraordinarily pleased at this present that he just could not help himself for all his happiness.
After a while, when he had thoroughly looked over the splendid globe in all directions and convinced himself of the truly significant portrayal of all the points known to him, he declared,
'Joseph, that is indeed a more than loud witness for all of us about Him who once created the earth!
For what is indeed more difficult to the Almighty: to create a great earth, or to create one as small as this for our instruction about the great one which carries us?
I would say that is no doubt one and the same thing!
'O God, o great God, what infinite fullness of all manner of perfect things must dwell in You that such wondrous things are so very easily possible to you!
Whoever concerns himself with You in his heart is already blessed in the world!
Whoever possesses You and lovingly carries You in his heart, he can be considered fortunate beyond measure!
Oh how disgusting do the vain pursuits of the children of the world seem to me now!
Oh my poor brother Augustus! If you knew and understood what I now know and understand, how greatly your tottering throne would disgust you!
O my little Jesus, my life, my all! Would You not show my brother through Your omnipotence how insignificant and incredibly shabby his throne is?'
And the little Child said, 'Cyrenius, look at all the creatures of the earth,
and you will find good and bad ones among them in regard to you.
Do you really suppose that they are also like that in regard to Me?
See, the lion is a cruel animal and spares no life in his fury.
Did you also find this animal like that where I am concerned?
Not in the least, you say in your heart, for this king of the desert twice saved my life!
'See, thus matters also stand with your brother - he cannot be like you, nor you like him.
That is why I have called all sorts of creatures into being, because they are a necessary part of My eternal order as they are.
Thus it also had to happen that your brother became what he is, and you also became what you are.
And when your brother says: Lord, I do not know what I am and what I do, but Your power is with me, and I act according to its purpose;
then your brother is as right as you are, and you shall not be concerned about him - for at some future time everyone's works will become manifest!' - These words put Cyrenius into a better frame of mind about Augustus, and he again looked at his little earth.
