God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 197 -

The Little Child Interprets The Game

AND THE LITTLE CHILD immediately began to speak like a wise teacher in a synagogue, and said,
'Now this is the meaning of this game: From the beginning of creation, as well as before it, God was the Lord from eternity.
The first toss signifies: The ancients recognize the freedom of their spirit but do not want to give the glory to God, and the game gets out of order.
This game lasts from Adam to Noah and from Noah to Moses.
The contrary girl represents love to God as well as to the world which rejects love.
In Noah's day mankind is judged by what amounts to a threat, as this girl was chastised with mice.
But mankind does not improve and gradually falls into idolatry and wants altars, a visible deity and much ceremony.
'Here the Lord calls for an end to the game during the leadership of Moses, and a second throw takes place.
In the beginning it seems as if this time it would endure: but just as soon as Moses turns his back, the golden calf is fashioned!
Thus the girl begins to quarrel all the more, for which she is earnestly rebuked with the threat of actual judgment.
Hence the flood was actually more of a very strong threat than an actual judgment.
But the judgment of the people in the desert was an actual judgment, since it was done by fire as once at Sodom.
With that throw, the new game begins. At first matters go well, but only out of fear; for this game is lacking in love, represented by the mother, who withdrew because she was not permitted to rule.
This Mosaic game lasted until this time and destroyed itself by all manner of revolts and through constant fear.
'Again the Lord calls the little flock together; the toss is made, and the Lord becomes a Child.
Here love comes and expresses a certain joy at the impotent state of the Lord.
Love now tosses also, and succeeds in attaining to the first step of the throne.
And there she persecutes the Lord unto death and leaves Him no rest for over one thousand and about nine hundred years and incites everything against Him.
By that time the established powers themselves realize that this state of affairs cannot endure.
'And a final throw is made: The Lord again becomes the only Lord as of old - His rule is filled with burning zeal, and His throw is marked by the fullness of His grace!
And all the people will recognize the Father from the children's place when He as Such approaches closer and closer to the people with all the power of His love!
And that will be the final throw, and no other will take place evermore! For then the Father will be the Father eternally!
See, that is the interpretation of this game. Now let us go back into the house to see what the reawakened Tullia is doing, so follow Me, all of you.'
