God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 217 -

A Lesson In Geometry

WHEN ALL HAD STILLED their hunger with the cold fish they arose, thanked Joseph for this good meal and then went out into the open; for the sun was still above the horizon.
When most of the guests from Cyrenius' company had gone outside, the little Child asked him,
'Cyrenius, do you not recall what you asked Me out there at the scene of the fire, when I praised the fish of the Mediterranean for their quality and fine taste?'
Here Cyrenius considered a bit but could not remember his question.
He therefore said to the little Child, 'O my Lord, my life, forgive me - I must confess before You that I have completely forgotten it!'
Here the little Child smiled again and full of gentleness reminded the somewhat embarrassed Cyrenius,
'Did you not ask Me whether the Mediterranean is in the middle of the land?
I then referred you to the small earth-globe at which you were to look and decide for yourself whether this sea is really in the middle of the land.
See, now would surely be the best time to settle this matter!
So take the little earth in your hand and find the answer to your question.'
And Cyrenius replied, 'Yes, by my poor soul, this I surely would have completely forgotten if You, o Lord, had not reminded me of it now.'
Here James at once sprang into the side chamber and brought the little earth to Cyrenius
who then promptly sought and soon found the Mediterranean.
And as he pointed to the Mediterranean with his finger, the little Child asked him,
'Cyrenius, is that really the middle of the land? Or how does the matter seem to you?'
Cyrenius answered, 'I dare say that I am good at figures according to Euclid and Ptolemy
and therefore know from the geometry of spheres that on the surface of a ball every given point is in the middle of the surface because in the first place each point is precisely the same distance from the center of the ball,
and secondly because all lines going out from it to its corresponding point on the opposite side of the ball are of the same curvature and length.
According to this basic axiom it follows that this sea can be named the Mediterranean.
But on the other hand I also find that every sea is in the same category and can be a sea in the middle just as well.'
And the little Child rejoined, 'Therein you are quite right; but for all that the principles of Euclid still do not apply here,
and this sea can still be called a sea in the middle exclusively -
for wherever the Lord is, there also is the true middle.
And behold, the Lord is now here by this sea, and therefore the middle of the sea is also here.
That is a different computation of which Euclid did not dream, and it is more correct than his."
This explanation greatly alerted Cyrenius and he continued to study the globe.
