God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 222 -

When Zero Counts As Much As A Million

WHEN CYRENIUS HAD TAKEN a good, long look at the large comet, he declared,
'Truly, an unusual star! It is the first one I have seen -
but I have of course heard of these mythical bearers of ill tidings in the sky a number of times.'
At this remark of Cyrenius, Maronius Pilla also came over and asserted,
'Just look at that! The temple of Janus is hardly closed seven years, and everyone said:
Now Rome will have eternal peace! for it is said that this temple has never been closed this long.
And now we already have the terrible sign in front of our eyes that the temple of Janus will be unlocked again quite soon,
and that matters will become very lively on the great fields of Mars!'
Joseph then asked Maronius Pilla if he really considered such a comet to be a harbinger of war.
And Maronius Pilla replied quite seriously, 'Oh friend, that is an unalterable truth! I tell you: war upon war!'
Here Cyrenius remarked, 'Now we have the right pair together for once!
Joseph still holds mightily to his Moses, and Maronius Pilla cannot get rid of his old, heathenish superstition!'
At this Joseph protested, 'Esteemed friend and brother Cyrenius! I would say that Moses is surely better than the temple of Janus in Rome.'
And Cyrenius retorted, 'Of course! But if one has the Lord Jehovah Himself in His fullness, I would say that Moses as well as the dull Janus should step quite far into the background, and that once and for all.
The comet according to ancient, unfounded fables does indeed seem to be a bearer of ill tidings -
but I believe that our dearest Jesus and Lord in the fullness of His Deity also happens to be a Lord over this supposed lord of misfortune. Do you not agree with me?'
And Joseph answered, 'That surely; but for all that Moses is still not to be compared with the Janus of Rome, not even in this presence of the Lord.'
Cyrenius agreed, 'I do not want to do that either - but if I have the Lord, then at least to me Moses and Janus are the same.'
Here the little Child said to Cyrenius, 'Stay with that!
For truly, where infinity is concerned, all magnitudes fade and zero counts as much as a million.'
This answer of the little Child jarred Joseph a bit, and thereafter he did not uphold Moses to Cyrenius any more.
