God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 226 -

Never Fear The World - But Fear Yourselves

WHEN THE MATTER of the comet was thus disposed of, the little Child said to Joseph,
'Joseph, throughout these two days I took charge as an undisputed master of the house and all of you obeyed Me -
but from now on I am returning the mastery of the house back to you, and as you decide matters, so also shall they be done!
'From now on I am going to be like every other human being again and must be that way, for My flesh must also grow for the sake of all your welfare.
For that reason do not now nor in the future expect any more openly manifest wonders from Me in this country!
But for all that do not allow yourselves to be deceived in your faith and reliance in My power and might,
for What I was from eternity, That I am always and will be for eternity.
'Hence, never fear the world which is nothing before Me - but fear yourselves, lest you turn your hearts away from Me - for that would be the death of your soul!
With that you, Joseph, may again take over the management of the house, and lead it justly and properly in the name of My Father, Amen!
And you, Cyrenius, depart tomorrow on a safe journey for Tyre, where important matters already await you.
My love and My grace are with you so you need not worry. Arrange all other matters with Joseph, for he is now the head of the house.'
Thereupon the little Child called James over to Himself and said to him,
'James, between us the first relationship will remain with which you are familiar.
Now all this must be adhered to in this land, Amen!' -
At this Joseph became quite sad and earnestly pleaded with the little Child to continue as at present in His divine nature.
But the little Child now talked quite childishly, and no trace of anything divine remained in His speech.
He soon became sleepy, and James had to bring Him to bed.
Long into the night the company sat together and discussed the possible reason for such change in the little Child.
No one said anything conclusive and each asked of the other -
but none was able to give a definite answer.
And Joseph finally said, 'We know what is good for us and what we should do, and that ought to satisfy us!
It is already late at night - so I think it is best that we retire.'
In this all agreed with Joseph and promptly went into the house to a good night's rest.
