God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 23 -

Joseph And Mary Go To Jerusalem

THUS JOSEPH SPENT six days in the cave and was visited by Cornelius every day, who saw to it most diligently that this family should lack for nothing.
And on the sixth day early in the morning an angel came to Joseph and said, 'Obtain a pair of turtledoves, and go from here to Jerusalem on the eighth day!
Mary shall offer up the turtledoves according to the Law, and the Child must be circumcised and be given the name which was made known to you and Mary.
And after the circumcision come back here again and remain here, until I shall let you know when and where you shall go from here.
You, Joseph, will in fact be ready to take your departure before then, but I must tell you - you will not leave here one pulse-beat sooner than it is the will of Him who is with you in the cave!'
After these words the angel disappeared, and Joseph went over to Mary and made this known to her.
And Mary replied to Joseph, 'See, I am always just a handmaiden of the Lord, so let it be done to me according to His word!
For I had a dream today, and in this dream everything happened that you now made known to me, so be concerned only for the pair of doves, and on the eighth day I shall go with you in good cheer to the city of the Lord!'
Soon after the angel's appearance the captain again came for a morning visit, and Joseph let him know at once why he would have to go to Jerusalem on the eighth day.
The captain immediately offered Joseph all possible aid and wanted to provide him with a guide to Jerusalem.
But Joseph thanked him for his splendid good will and said, 'See, it is the will of my Lord and God that I should go to Jerusalem just as I came here!
Thus I will also undertake the short journey in that way, so the Lord will not chastise me for my disobedience.
But since you want to do something for me on this occasion, then provide me with two turtledoves, which are to be offered up in the temple, and look after this dwelling place for me!
For on the ninth day I shall return and shall stay as long as the Lord will require it of me.'
Cornelius promised Joseph to provide all that was asked, then left and himself brought Joseph a newly-made dove house full of turtledoves, from which Joseph had to select the comeliest pair.
After that the captain returned to his duties, in the meantime leaving the dovehouse in the cave until evening, when he called for it himself.
And on the eighth day, when Joseph had gone to Jerusalem, Cornelius had a guard placed in front of the cave, which allowed no one to go in and out except the two oldest sons left behind by Joseph, and also Salome, who provided them with food and drink, for the midwife went along to Jerusalem.
