God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 230 -

Mary's Strictness A Symbol Of Her Motherly Love

WHEN THE LITTLE CHILD was dressed, Cyrenius asked Him again if He would not like to have another tasty little piece of the fish.
Here the little Child said after His manner, 'I really would like another small piece -
but I dare not accept it because mother would promptly scold Me again.'
And Cyrenius said assuringly, 'O my dearly beloved little Child, if I give it to You, your mother will say nothing.'
To this the little Child responded quite naively, 'Yes, as long as you are here she will of course say nothing;
but once you are gone I will be in for it twice as bad.
Oh you just would not believe how cross My mother can be when I do something that she does not like!'
Cyrenius smiled thereto and then asked the little Child, 'What would You say, if I were to scold Your somewhat strict mother for that - would that not make her more lenient toward You?'
And the little Child objected, 'I beg you, do anything but that - for once you were gone I would really get a dressing down the like of which has not been heard!'
Here Cyrenius continued to ask the little Child and said,
'O my life, my heavenly little Child, if Your mother is so strict, how can You still love her so very much?'
And the little Child answered, 'Because she is strict out of her great love to Me - for she constantly has the greatest fear that some sort of harm might befall Me.
So you see, that is why I am bound to love her very much in return! Even if she is sometimes cross without cause - she still means well and for that she surely deserves My love.
See, for just that reason she would also be cross now if I were to eat another little piece of fish, because she thinks it could do Me harm.
It would of course do Me no harm, but I do not want to sin against the good intentions of My mother.
Oh, I can deny Myself also and can keep My mother's orders when it has to be that way,
but when her order does not have to be strictly adhered to, I can also do as I please.
And then I do not let it bother Me even though mother scolds a bit.
It is not really necessary now that I should eat another piece of fish; hence I will also deny Myself so mother can have nothing against Me when you are gone.'
Here Cyrenius again spoke to the little Child and inquired in a very loving manner,
'Yes, my life, but if you already have such respect of Your earthly mother, why did You not allow Yourself to be dressed by her a little while ago?
Will she not scold You for that once I am gone?'
And the little Child affirmed, 'No doubt - but I shall not let .it bother Me much!
For I already told you before that I sometimes do as I please, and do not ask whether My mother agrees with it or not.
But for all that My mother can still scold Me, for she has a good intention and a good will thereby.'
At this Mary smiled and said jokingly, 'Now You just wait until we are alone,
and I shall really scold You again because You have now complained against me so to Cyrenius!'
Hereupon the little Child smiled and replied, 'Oh, you do not mean that. I can easily tell when you are really cross, for then you are quite red in the face - but now you are nice and white like I am, and then you are never upset!'
All laughed at this remark, and the little Child also smiled. And Mary in her ardor took the little Child and caressed Him fervently.
