God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 232 -

On The Burden Of Money

NOW JOSEPH had no trunk wherein he might put the money.
At this Cyrenius at once ordered his servants to go into the city and buy a chest there at whatever cost necessary.
And the servants went at once and in the short space of two hours brought an elegant cedar chest which had cost ten pounds of silver.
This chest was then placed in Joseph's bedchamber, and Joseph's sons laid the large and heavy amount of money into the ornate and heavy chest.
When the money was thus put away, Joseph said,
'Now I am - from a worldly standpoint - rich for the first time in my whole life,
for I have never seen and all the less owned so much money!
Until now my house knew nothing of a thief and still less of a robber,
but from now on all of us will not have sufficient eyes and time to protect this money from thieves and robbers.'
Here Jonathan observed, 'Brother, never mind about that!
I know only too well whom the robbers and thieves seek out.
See, they seek out only those who are mean and stingy.
And that certainly does not apply to you, so you need not be concerned - for everyone who asks anything of you receives three times more from you anyway than what he asks for.
Therefore I would say that you will no doubt have to deal with a lot of beggars, but certainly not with thieves and robbers.'
Here Mary also came over and said to Joseph,
'Listen, dear father, you know that while in the city of our father David we also received a great burden of gold from the three wise men of the East who came from Persia;
and behold, now we do not have any of it even the size of a grain of sand, although we were never robbed of it!
So I would say that it will be the same with us here: not a year will pass, and we will have nothing left of it without thieves and robbers.
So just do not worry; for in a house where the Lord dwells, gold has no standing and the robbers and thieves just do not want to have much to do in the Lord's house!
For they know as well as I and you that it is tempting the super-natural to lay violent hands on treasures which lie as it were in God's poor-box.'
When Mary finished, the little Child also came over and said,
'Joseph, you faithful man, you must not look so fearfully at yonder chest in which My brothers have laid the money.
For when you look so apprehensive, I get the impression that you are sick.
Now see, I do not want you to be sick.
This money will not burden you for any length of time at all. Buy quite a lot of flour now and other foodstuffs and some clothing, and distribute the rest among the poor,
and the chest will be empty again in short order.' - These childlike words becalmed Joseph so greatly that he was promptly full of good cheer.
