God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 236 -

The Humility Of The Lord

NOW WHILE HE ATE of the fish, the little Child asked Jonathan, 'Can that be the best sort of fish?
For I tell you that this fish does not taste good to Me at all!
In the first place it is tough and then as dry as straw.
Truly, that cannot be a good sort of fish, which is also evident by its many troublesome fish-bones.'
And Jonathan answered, 'Yes, My Lord and my God! It is truly the sort of the lowest quality!
Oh if Joseph had only said something to me sooner, I certainly would have gladly run back and forth ten times more and would have brought You the very best fish!'
Hereupon Joseph became irritated with his sons because they had taken such poor care of his table.
But the little Child said, 'We must not exactly become irritated on account of that;
but it does always seem strange of My brothers that they keep the best in the kitchen to themselves, and actually serve us the worst of everything.
As far as that goes may everything be blessed for them; but it is not considerate or praiseworthy of them.
See, you have really given Me the best piece of the fish; but I just cannot eat it all although I am still quite hungry -
and that is a sure sign that the fish is bad.
Here, taste this little piece, and you will be convinced that I am right!'
Here Joseph tasted the fish and found the assertion of the little Child fully confirmed.
At this he promptly stood up and went into the kitchen where he found that the four sons were eating a tuna of the best sort.
Thereat Joseph lost his patience, and he began to give the four sons a thorough dressing-down.
But the sons objected, saying, 'Father, we have to do all the hard work - why then should we not eat a better morsel once in a while than those who do not work?
Besides, the fish which we have given for your table certainly is not bad,
but the little Child is sometimes just too full of caprice because He has been spoiled by you, and then nothing is right or good enough for Him!'
This made Joseph angry and he declared, 'Good, because you answer me with such speech, you shall never prepare food for my table again!
Mary will be my cook from now on, and you may cook for yourselves what you will; but none of you shall ever be seen again at my table!'
Joseph then left the four sons and in quite an aroused frame of mind returned to his table through a little side door.
Hereupon the little Child became sad and began to weep and sob unrestrainedly.
At this Mary, Joseph and James immediately asked Him with worried expressions what was the matter with Him, whether He felt any pain -
or what it might be that all of a sudden caused Him to become so sad and distressed?
And the little Child sighed deeply and said to Joseph in a very melancholy tone,
'Joseph, is it really so sweet to show the poor and the weak one's authority and to condemn them for a minor offence?
Just look at Me for once, how many ever so miserably poor cooks do I have in the world who would long ago have let Me, the Father of fathers, starve to death if it were possible to do that with Me!
I tell you, cooks who have forgotten that I exist, and who do not want to hear or know anything about Me!
And behold, I nevertheless do not go out so I may judge them in My just anger!
'Is it really so sweet to be a ruler? See, I am the only Lord of infinity, and beside Me there is eternally no other!
And behold I, the Creator and Father of all of you wanted to become a weak human being before you in full concealment of My eternal and infinite, divine splendor,
so that you by this above all humble example should come to despise your old spirit of despotism!
But no, in none other than this time of all times, in which the Lord of glory has humbled Himself below all men so He may win them all in such lowliness of His, men want to be lords and rule more than ever!
I well know that you judged the four sons primarily because of Me -
but if you recognize Me as the Lord, why did you anticipate Me there?
'See, we are all far from being miserable because we have been served with a poor fish, for we can quickly have a better one prepared for us.
But the four brothers are now the most miserable beings on earth because you as their father have judged them;
and behold, that is no just punishment for such a small offence! -
What indeed would you children of men be if I did with you as you do with one another and if I were as short of temper and as impatient as you are?
You do not know why we were served so meagerly; but I know why.
Therefore I say to you: Go over and withdraw your condemnation, and James will make the reason for the poor meal known to you.'
Here Joseph went and called the four sons so they might acknowledge their error before him and be forgiven.
