God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 272 -

Joseph Visits His Friend The Doctor

WHEN JOSEPH AND HIS FAMILY had cleansed their feet and entered the doctor's living room where several patients were being treated, the newcomers sat down and Joseph briefly told the doctor the main events of his flight and their cause.
When the doctor heard this, he was greatly stirred up against Herod and all the more so toward his still living son Archelaus,
and pictured this frenzied tyrant as being far worse than his father.
And Joseph responded, 'Friend, what you now have told me about Archelaus, I have already heard on my journey here.
But the Lord has already provided for me!
You see, I now live in a free house and am just like a Roman citizen and therefore have nothing to do with the ruthless tyrant.'
Here the doctor said, 'Oh friend, just look at my house here which also had the imperial charter;
but only recently the tribute beadles of Archelaus came at night, ripped the little plaque from the door and attached an outrageous lien against me the following day.
The same thing can happen to you also - therefore be greatly on your guard!
For I tell you: Nothing is holy to this devil of a king - what he does not rob, that is then seized by his spurious lessees and his most despicable scavengers of toll collectors!'
When Joseph heard this from the doctor, he was full of resentment himself over Archelaus and asserted,
'Just let this ruthless tyrant try that, and I guarantee that he shall fare badly for it!
For I have the word of the prefect that Archelaus will be treated like a traitor to the state as soon as he does not respect the privilege accorded by Rome.'
But the doctor said, 'Oh brother, just depend more on anything else than upon such privileges,
for no fox can extricate himself from the noose after a crime more cleverly than this Greek beast.
See, what did he do in my case when I complained to the Roman court?
He immediately accused his agent of acting on his own account and had him thrown into prison.
But when I thereupon applied to his court for compensation, I was rejected with the following reply:
Since the evidence has shown that the king had no part in this outrage, he is neither liable, but only the perpetrator who acted on his own behalf.
And since nothing was found in his possession, the loss must be borne by the owner as in the case of a common theft. - See, with that I was dismissed!
The little plaque was in fact fastened to the door of my house again; but for how long, that Archelaus will will know best.'
When Joseph heard this he was angry and did not know what to say. Here the little Child said,
'Oh do not be angry because of him who is really impotent; and remember that there is still another Lord who can do more than Rome!' - Thereupon Joseph became calm, and the doctor made big eyes, for he knew nothing about the Child.
